Go on dr mark sircus website and have a look at the brilliant effects of chlorine dioxide, also look into wormwood herbs, great for killing parasites in the body

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Thank you. I have read some heartening testimonies about wormwood & chlorine dioxide. Have also passed on your message to Julie Mellae.

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Powerful article and all true. It's the same here in America. Having spent 8 days in an ICU unit and another 14 in rehab from Lyme and exposure to the shedding of the vaccine, I'm back home but far from recovered.

A Lyme Dr. who claimed to be a Lyme specialist, came to my room and said, "you do not have active Lyme." Oh really, what gave me the seizure and the brain swelling then doctor? But I was to sick to retort. And it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere but upset.

I know what's going on and so do they. They will throw thousands under the bus to keep Thier status.

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Sounds like your Lyme 'specialist' has the same disease as Australian doctors that avoid diagnosing Lyme like the plague because they will be deregistered. And lest we forget the public labs that are forced to produce fraudulent results for Lyme testing. The estimated number of infected patients worldwide is over 5 million and growing. At least you are home now. That was a really close call for you, Dawn.

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Yes it was. And I hope it never repeats.

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