Lara Logan Exposes Livestreamed Child Murder and Other Extreme Filth Crimes
Sadistic pornography hurts children and trafficking victims in the most indescribable ways
They provide live rapes online where pedophiles and other sadistic people can tune in and tell people ‘Oh, do this to her, or to him, or to the child.’ They can jump in live. Technology companies control those livestreams… I tried to understand, why would you do such terrible things to children on such a terrible scale?
Lara Logan, Investigative Journalist
Award winning Investigative Journalist, War Correspondent and former ‘media darling’ Lara Logan, has fast become one of the most vilified women on earth. Why? Because she is taking a rock solid stand for children and exposing extremely depraved Filth Crimes at the highest levels. Thank you Lara.
The following notes are from Lara’s time bomb interview with Man in America about Why innocent children are so vital to the elites.
(**Trigger Alert: Parts of this transcript include graphic descriptions of children being raped to death during livestreams.)
Ericsson Houses Pornography in More Than 150 Countries
Technology is really the vehicle to inflict unimaginable harm on more children than ever before in human history. Why would you do that? People forget that there is physical infrastructure that houses the dark web. That houses child pornography. And moves that data from one place and person to the next. From one organised criminal network to another.
It is not the cartels running the dark web. It is not the pedophiles and not the traffickers that own the undersea cables. Or who own the data centers or who own the software and the hardware that makes all of that happen. Oh no. It’s not those people who own it. It’s people like Ericsson, the Swedish company. It’s people like Next Star.
It’s people who wear a suit and tie or a button down and go to work every day. It’s the people that stand up at their TED talks and at the World Economic Forum. It’s those people who control all of that. Ericsson houses pornography – child pornography – in more than 150 countries in the world.
Every single thing that is transferred is data. Whether it’s money on Wall Street or digital transactions that run the financial markets in the world. Whether it’s your photos or your secrets, or your messages or communications. Whether it’s the internal spy communications of governments.
Every single one of those things is broken down into data. And it moves along physical infrastructure that is owned by a small number of people. And those people are the ones who are never held to account.
Ericsson and all the other tech companies that are in this tiny circle, have connected every evil person in the world. They have given them a home, given them solidarity. They have helped build these networks.
They provide live rapes online where pedophiles and other sadistic people can tune in and tell people ‘Oh, do this to her, or to him, or to the child.’ They can jump in live. Technology companies control those livestreams.
They control the movement of that data. They could cut it off any time they want to. Governments can cut it off any time they want to. But they choose not to do so. They allow the dark web to exist in a digital world where every single thing is traceable. They do absolutely nothing to stop it.
This Is Based On First Hand Accounts
There is an entire genre of pornography now called sadistic pornography where they come up with the most indescribable ways to hurt children. And to hurt victims of trafficking.
They have certain veins that they cut in advance, of babies and children, because some people want them to bleed – they want a blood show when they rape them to death. These are real things. Every single thing I have described for you is real. This is not based on rumour. This is based on first hand accounts.
The waters have been muddied so that people will lose sight of very, very simple truths here. And the very simple truth is that technology is not nameless. It is not without a face. The control is in the hands of a very small group of people. And they are truly evil.
When Ericsson was providing location data to Islamic terrorists on the battlefield in Iraq so they could target and kill American troops, what did the American government do? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because when you control that, you control the world. You have dirt on every single person that has ever been elected. And even those who haven’t yet been elected. They already have the dirt on them.
Not only that but you control the means to create pathways of communication that are outside, for example, the legislative process…that are beyond the reach of Congress, beyond the subpoena power in the United States. Obama made sure of that. Before he left office, he handed over ownership of the internet to the global community.
They Are All Touchable And Need To be Held Accountable
They want us to think artificial intelligence is all a machine, the AI, the bots. No. Who inputted that information into the machine? Who created the program that created that bot? Who wrote the software program for that artificial intelligence product? A person with a name and a face and a physical address.
All of them…they are touchable…just like you and me…they are touchable and they need to be held accountable. Because what we rarely talk about, all these distinctions between left and right, republican, democrat, conservative… these are literally just tools of manipulation and control. That’s all they are.
Look at every communist regime throughout history. Look at what the Marxists do. They take their brown shirts and their black shirts and they get rid of them.
There Is Only One Creator - And It Is NOT Satan
One of the people I know who has been working in trafficking for decades, told me once that sinners are allowed to repent but the wicked spit in the eye of God. And these people are wicked. They spit in the eye of God every chance they get because the more pain they can inflict on God through God’s creation, that’s their goal. Because the prince of darkness, Satan himself, can never ever ever overcome the fact that there is only one creator. And it’s not him.
This potential for evil lives in all of us. Killing and cruelty is a very human condition. But what we have been given is free will. We have been given the will to choose something else. The will and the ability and the freedom to make a different choice.
Those that don’t make a different choice, those that choose the path of evil, are not possessed by demons. They are very, very human, living out very human choices. And they need to be held accountable. Not as demons, but as humans. And they need to not be able to evade responsibility. And that keeps us honest. That keeps us true to ourselves and our own choices and our own responsibilities. Understanding it, recognizing it and choosing a different way makes sense to me.
My purpose is to expose the truth about who they are and what they do. And I know the only thing protecting me and keeping me alive is God and the angels that he puts on my shoulders because they are so much more powerful than me.
They have tried to destroy me I don’t know how many times and they are just going to keep attacking me. I’m like a fly that just won’t die. They keep on swatting and somehow when they lift up their hand, there she goes again. And there are many others like me that just won’t die. We won’t submit.
The one thing that Satan can’t escape is that Satan was created by God. God is the creator of it all. They want to separate us from our humanity because we are God’s creation and they know that every single thing they do is designed to be a victory against God. So they target his creation and nothing causes more pain to God than his creation in its purest form, which is babies and children.
Watch the Interview:
Man in America - Why innocent children are so vital to the elites
(Image source: Man in America)
"There is an entire genre of pornography now called sadistic pornography where they come up with the most indescribable ways to hurt children. And to hurt victims of trafficking.
They have certain veins that they cut in advance, of babies and children, because some people want them to bleed – they want a blood show when they rape them to death. These are real things. Every single thing I have described for you is real. This is not based on rumour. This is based on first hand accounts."
This is so heartbreaking, but I know it is real because I was there, a victim of the SRA pedophile-porn industry on the westcoast of America.
Wonderful exposé! Thank you!