"There is an entire genre of pornography now called sadistic pornography where they come up with the most indescribable ways to hurt children. And to hurt victims of trafficking.

They have certain veins that they cut in advance, of babies and children, because some people want them to bleed – they want a blood show when they rape them to death. These are real things. Every single thing I have described for you is real. This is not based on rumour. This is based on first hand accounts."

This is so heartbreaking, but I know it is real because I was there, a victim of the SRA pedophile-porn industry on the westcoast of America.

Wonderful exposé! Thank you!

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The SRA pedophile-porn industry (parallel cult world) is (not so) secretly rife in Australia too. I am so sorry that you were snared by these creatures. They ruin lives in many different ways. I am testament to that. Lara Logan was villified by legacy media for her cult investigations and discredited all over the internet swamp. But she is an experienced and fearless investigative journalist and a spiritual gift to the cult abuse survivors, so her many detractors don't really amount to anything. Why don't you reach out to Lara to let her know about your experience and the vital work you are doing with your alliance. I'm not sure where she is but you should be able to track her down via the internet.

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Thank you Jillionaire for your loving kindness:

" I am so sorry that you were snared by these creatures. They ruin lives in many different ways." ❤️

...and your perspective re: Lara Logan's fearless work and spiritual gifts..."so her many detractors don't really amount to anything."

These words are healing for me to read.

I have been harassed and targeted by the porn/rape industry since 2017 for publicly challenging their self-serving idiotic campaigns like "porn is not harmful to children."

I worked side-by-side as a public educator with a dear friend Gary Wilson, author of Your Brain On Porn (https://www.yourbrainonporn.com), and whose TED talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU - over 17 million views!) I believe saved many, many young men from suicide, after their porn use left them with erectile dysfunction, horrific shame and helplessness. Gary died in 2021 in horrible pain as a relentlessly targeted individual, much worse than I was, after which I went mostly mute in grief. I've only recently began to speak out again, inspired by girls and young women who deserve protection and haven't received it.

I will look for Lara Logan. I thank you again for what you are doing with your work - it is transformational! ❤️‍🔥

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This must be divine timing, Anastasia. There is a large community of targeted noble men and women who are here to collectively drag the world out of the darkness. You remind me of a woman who I connected with in a most mysterious but welcome way a couple of years ago. Her name is Dawn White and she is a highly skilled spirit interventionist, medicine woman and fierce warrior who also went into 'mute grief' as you so aptly described it. When I read Dawn's words today, I was reminded of you and other souls of the highest integrity and purpose. Here is what she wrote. I am going to include this in a future cult crimes article and also reference the work and targeting of you and Gary Wilson. Frequency weapons are commonly used. I am so sorry to learn that Gary suffered such a traumatic end on this crazed planet but am sure his spirit will rise again stronger than ever.

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Written By Dawn White

'When I was being heavily targeted by the illuminati, satanists and the military, they ran this program on me. First, they used frequency weapons on my mind and made me "trip" for two months straight. I had to go to work and function in this state. I managed to pull it off except for a few moments. And I couldn't tell anyone what was happening because I had no proof. It would take another 2 years of this gangstalking for me to be able to point it out to my friends. And then they caught on real quick, once I told them what to look for.

But in this program, they confuse the mind. Plus, they add in terror so you become paralyzed and unable to think or make decisions. On top of the hallucinogens. Thankfully, I had some experience in that area, so I knew what was happening, I just couldn't figure out how it was happening.

So, this is what they are doing right now. Creating terror and major problems because they are cornered. This is the best piece of advice I can give you knowing what I know now. Do not let fear freeze your mind. Remember the .....where they convinced us that everyone needed it? And you were not safe around anyone that didn't participate? And all the stuff that went down around that?

Then, they send in someone that you can trust and that promises to help you and turn things around. And you breathe a sigh of relief because you have no clue what to do! And you are tired and scared and just want it to be alright. So you relent. And you are grateful.

This is the killing blow if you bite.'

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Powerful testimony! Thank you for sharing this. 💪

If you want any info on Gary, please let me know. I formed a support group for those targeted and harassed by the porn/rape industry, and many of us remain in touch and are eager to speak of what happened. We have tried to get press to cover the amazing story to no avail. It truly is David and Goliath! And yes, Gary's spirit lives on, and I've felt powerful encouragement and guidance since he passed.

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Amen! Awomen!

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From my perspective, there are now millions of 'Davids and Davidesses' in this unfolding story and still just one Goliath. When I finish a book editing project I am working on with an author, I will return to this topic, for sure. The legacy media is controlled by complicit cowards and if it imploded from its own cult stupidity, I probably wouldn't notice. It's sad to see the once vibrant and relevant industry I used to worked in, reduced to a weaponised, lying trash heap. In my biased opinion, sex trafficking, parasitical trillionaires who conveniently hide behind the mass media wall and pretend to be 'upstanding' philanthropic 'ruling club' men and women, have much to answer for - publicly.

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YES!!! I agree!!! And my condolences to you, for your loss of a cohort and institution once of honor and sacred duty - mass media. Thank you for leaving, thank you for your courage to step away from the organizations and your colleagues who are corrupt and zombified, and thank you for creating a new truthful media that can invite us all to ascend as media consumers. 🙏🙏🙏 May truth reign here forward, and those who serve this honesty principle become the new mass news media, as the old cowardly deceptive channels atrophy and fall away! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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