'Pope Francis has committed criminal acts' - 17 prominent signatories call for NWO Jesuit Pope to resign
'Influencers' Alex Jones and Co are strangely silent about Vatican expert Leo Zagami's significant report. Is staying 'monetised' more important than securing a free world?
Pope Francis, who has been falling out of favor with a lot of conservatives since the start of his papacy, seems to be one of the main supporters of the future Antichrist with his ambiguous stand on homosexuality and transgenderism, his support for Islam, and the creation of a “One World Religion” in collaboration with Freemasonry.
Leo Zagami, Journalist, Author, ex Illuminati, ex Freemason
The Vatican in Shock After the Pope is asked to Resign by the Most Influential Theologians of the Catholic Church!
Article by Leo Zagami
The Vatican is once again in turmoil after a group of 17 scholars and activists released a lengthy statement calling for Pope Francis to resign or to be formally asked to resign by the College of Cardinals, stating that the Jesuit Pope has “caused an unprecedented crisis in the Catholic Church” with his words and actions. The 17 signatories attested that the Pope has “done great harm to the church and the whole world” since assuming the papal throne in March 2013. (The full statement is below, with a downloadable PDF here).
In a statement released late on May 2, the signatories in question stated that “the members of the hierarchy of the church have a duty to act in order to prevent Francis from causing further harm.” They added:
We therefore call for Pope Francis to resign the papal office and to repent and do penance for his actions. If he does not do this, we request that the cardinals and bishops of the Catholic Church ask Pope Francis to resign the office of pope.
If this eventually should not take place, then the signatories called on the cardinals and bishops to declare that Francis has somehow lost the papacy:
If he refuses to resign or recant the heresies that he has upheld, we ask that they declare that he has lost the papal office.
The signatories attribute the aforementioned “unprecedented crisis” to two things:
Pope Francis has committed criminal acts gravely damaging to the church and to individual believers.
He has shown that he rejects the Catholic faith and has worked to destroy the faith of other Catholics.
Signatories and their accusations
The seventeen signatories comprise a mixture of academics, activists in various spheres of ecclesial life, and one priest:
Rev. Linus F. Clovis, Ph. D., MSc, JCL, STB
Yves Daoudal: Editor-in-chief of Reconquête and Vice-President of the Charlier Center
Dániel Fülep: Theologian, Hungary
Michael Kakooza, Ph. D.: Strategic Management, Eastern Africa
Thaddeus J. Kozinski, Ph. D.: Professor of Philosophy, Memoria College
Peter A. Kwasniewski, Ph. D.
John R.T. Lamont, DPhil
John Rist, Ph. D.: Professor of Classics and early Christian Philosophy and Theology (ret.)
Dr Cesar Felix Sánchez Martínez: Professor of Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de San Agustin, Peru
Wolfram Schrems, Mag. theol., Mag. phil.
Peter Stephan, Dr. Phil. Habil: Professor of Architecture Theory & Art History, University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam
Anna Silvas, Ph. D.: Specialist in Greek Fathers, UNE, Australia (ret.)
John-Henry Westen, M.A.: Founder and Editor, LifeSiteNews
Michael Wiitala, Ph. D.: Associate Lecturer in Philosophy, Cleveland State University
Elizabeth F. Yore, Esq.: Founder, Yore Children
John Zmirak, Ph. D.: Senior Editor, The Stream
The lengthy statement presents a summary of his interactions and dealings with several high-profile figures in the church, such as Cardinals Godfried Danneels, Reinhard Marx, Theodore McCarrick, Wilton Gregory, and Víctor Manuel Fernández.
The extensive list of individuals presented by the signatories’ state, is part of Francis’ “record of protecting sexual abusers” which “exemplifies his character and modus operandi.” Pope Francis, who has been falling out of favor with a lot of conservatives since the start of his papacy, seems to be one of the main supporters of the future Antichrist with his ambiguous stand on homosexuality and transgenderism, his support for Islam, and the creation of a “One World Religion” in collaboration with Freemasonry, as I explained in Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject.
Continue reading here: The Vatican in Shock After the Pope is asked to Resign by the Most Influential Theologians of the Catholic Church!
Max Lowen witnessed ‘evil itself’ at the Vatican
Max Lowen’s 8-minute 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse testimony was released on 23 August 2023. In my opinion, it is powerful enough to take down the entire, global, luciferian/satanic cult and child sex trafficking hierarchy from the top down.
“To see evil itself was something that still haunts me to this day.” Max Lowen
Note: Content contains graphic descriptions
Transcript Excerpt - Max Lowen
I was brought into this abuse right after birth and it was from the Italian side of my family. I had an uncle who ran a secret facility underground in the outskirts of Rome where they do torture and experiments…I was initiated right after birth. The trafficking occurred out of the Vatican and also among the VIPs in Italy.
The ritual abuse would be a variety of things…being put in a coffin when I was 2 years old and being left overnight in a church…rituals of gang rape…rituals of being impregnated and then taking the baby almost at term out of me to be used in rituals…elite parties, hunting parties, where children are taken and then hunted…Having to watch children being sacrificed in the sub levels of the Vatican, cut open when they were alive, watching them drink the children’s blood and eat their organs…
Not having a loving bond with either parent is something that still affects me today and I would say the other worst thing for me was watching children be sacrificed in the Vatican…watching all the VIP people in the room…they do these sacrifices to invite demonic entities to inhabit them and I was able to see and feel these entities also…to see evil itself was something that still haunts me to this day…
Right now, as we’re talking, children are being put through these things and this has to stop. These people, these psychopaths, pedophiles, satanist elites, they have succeeded with secrecy and deception, so when we begin to give testimony and tell our stories and tell the truth of actually what is being done to children, then we have a hope of ending this forever.
Everything they have done to us, they have done to the whole of society. So, for example, they have done global satanic rituals like 9/11 and COVID, and so we all have to understand they ways we are being managed and traumatised and disassociated and mind controlled so that we can heal ourselves. We can come together and we can say no and we can…create a way forward that is good for all life.
Max Lowen – 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse Testimony
Website - 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse
Since the 1980s, therapists have been working with patients who report extreme experiences of violence in the context of occult structures.
Until next time.
Article: Is the privately owned United Nations really a Luciferian cult?
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. David Spangler, Reflections of the Christ
Article: The Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction - fully loaded with violence, destruction and hate
Macabre, Jesuit run ‘infant training facilities’ are still in operation all over the world today and must be closed down.