Beautiful article, deeply inspiring source, what a wonderful way to start the new year...with hope that hell holes like the Aldenham School can be exposed and taken down...amd all those like it!

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100%. Perhaps the Voice of Liberated Children can become a central meeting point for everyone on our planet who has silently suffered from horrific abuse, and everyone who supports them and who are actively raising awareness of this unacceptable reality in their own humble ways.

As you are acutely aware, children are still being procured, trafficked, raped, murdered and even served on a plate at lavish, glitterati, looneymati dinner parties. (I have read that roasted black babies are highly popular menu items.)

When billions of people are made aware of this insidious, ridiculously influential parallel death cult and its drug crazed, wannabe slave driver creatures who masquerade across the stupid media landscape as upstanding men and women of influence and power, they will not hesitate to stand up for children and families, and demand an end to this centuries old, 'royally' led, masonic, satanic, luciferian etc death/blood cult madness, pedophile plague, extreme lies, illusions and infantile bastardry.

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Beautifully said, thank you.

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Very true on that cult and the useful idiots being used at the lower levels. Where is Aldenham School? We have many grooming 'schools' in Britain controlled by them , one being Malvern where they train the controlled ops and limited hangouts. We now have pedophile gangs operating in plain sight in Rotherham and other towns in UK and the MSM for years have been calling them 'Asian gangs' or 'muslim rings' to give the impression that the establishment are not involved and only immigrants partake in such debauchery. Of course course all races and creeds are involved.

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Aldenham is in Hertfordshire and I'm sure it's just one of many grooming schools, as you say. The cult establishment has had its debauched, deceptive way for far too long and can't realistically expect to continue on like this forever. Controlled ops are laughable but I suppose somebody has to do it. Australia has a protected pedo cult as well and is overrun by compartmentalised masons but awareness is growing about the unacceptable levels of corruption and the multi billion dollar government run child sex trafficking racket, so it's only a matter of time.

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