They remained insistent that all I had to do was sit for the exams and I would pass, I didn’t even have to ‘put pen to paper.’ Rachel Vaughan, Elite Spiritual Leader
this is so prevalent wherever the cult is...these people are shoved in your face relentlessly on australia, the uk and elsewhere this sort were out in front promoting covid...bred for purpose soulless f**ktards...they can not be reasoned with...they have nothing there to reason with....they haunt universities, politics, medicine, bureaucracies etc etc...they are at the choke points to stifle the soul of the rest of us...Rachel is a beautiful warrior soul who is definitely NOT one of them!...and thank you for putting this out there!...and for you agency shills who might read this..just leave off and go back to your rimming
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I often sensed a dark undercurrent in this country but couldn't pinpoint it. Post 2020, the parallel cult world began to reveal itself to me, largely thanks to public testimonies from survivors like Rachel and her valiant cult whistleblowers. They are a powerful, enlightening gift to humanity and elite spiritual leaders who leave their arrogant abusers and manipulators for dead. I am also reminded of what Australian survivor Ash Jewell said a couple of years ago: 'The luciferian brotherhood only does what citizens allow them to get away with.' Until recent years, they have had an easy time getting away with blackmail, murder, rape, torture, cronyism and other sickening cult crimes because secrecy was so tight. However, mass awareness of these cult psychopaths is now inevitable, from their own doing, and I'm sure that the majority of people around the world will demand action and justice when they see what we see. One day at a time.
this is so prevalent wherever the cult is...these people are shoved in your face relentlessly on australia, the uk and elsewhere this sort were out in front promoting covid...bred for purpose soulless f**ktards...they can not be reasoned with...they have nothing there to reason with....they haunt universities, politics, medicine, bureaucracies etc etc...they are at the choke points to stifle the soul of the rest of us...Rachel is a beautiful warrior soul who is definitely NOT one of them!...and thank you for putting this out there!...and for you agency shills who might read this..just leave off and go back to your rimming
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I often sensed a dark undercurrent in this country but couldn't pinpoint it. Post 2020, the parallel cult world began to reveal itself to me, largely thanks to public testimonies from survivors like Rachel and her valiant cult whistleblowers. They are a powerful, enlightening gift to humanity and elite spiritual leaders who leave their arrogant abusers and manipulators for dead. I am also reminded of what Australian survivor Ash Jewell said a couple of years ago: 'The luciferian brotherhood only does what citizens allow them to get away with.' Until recent years, they have had an easy time getting away with blackmail, murder, rape, torture, cronyism and other sickening cult crimes because secrecy was so tight. However, mass awareness of these cult psychopaths is now inevitable, from their own doing, and I'm sure that the majority of people around the world will demand action and justice when they see what we see. One day at a time.