Secret cult cronyism gained Rachel Vaughan unjust entry into a Bachelor of Science course
They remained insistent that all I had to do was sit for the exams and I would pass. I didn’t even have to ‘put pen to paper.’ Rachel Vaughan, Elite Spiritual Leader
Kudos to Rachel Vaughan for persistently sharing her experience of blatant academic corruption and refusing to live a lie that was forced upon her by her powerful cult father Allan Maxwell McIntyre and his mate in 1991.
How many other ‘credentialed’ Australians who were born into elitist, cult bloodlines, found themselves placed in highly inappropriate positions because getting whatever their parent/s or the cult establishment wanted, was often just a phone call away?
How many are secretly living through this criminal experience right now?
(Source: Etymonline)
Reshared from Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram Channel
Written by Rachel Vaughan
I have spoken recently in interviews about the fact that my father held so much power in the early 1990’s with certain faculty members at Flinders University in Adelaide, that he managed to have me enrolled in a course which I did not have the marks, and for which I had not studied the pre-requisite subjects for.
Here is the proof in my 1990 Year 12 and 1991 1st year Flinders University transcripts.
In 1991, the required Year 12 matriculation score to allow entry into a Bachelor of Science degree was around 79%.
My Year 12 matriculation score was only 63%.
I studied Art; Biology; Economics; English; and Legal Studies in year 12. I studied none of the required Maths 1 and 2; Chemistry; or Physics subjects required for admission to a Bachelor of Science degree.
My father would step in and insist the enrolment officer ‘call’ someone
So how was it that I got into the Bachelor of Science course?
Cronyism. My father and his mate organised it. He, and others, really wanted me to be a 'psychiatrist'.
My father even insisted upon accompanying me to Flinders Uni on enrolment day 1991. Every time I was knocked back from enrolling in a subject due to my lack of pre-requisite study and low matric score, my father would step in and insist the enrolment officer ‘call’ someone. Then the enrolling officer would admit me.
I had no understanding of the Physics and Mathematics subjects I was enrolled in at Flinders in 1991. I told my father this on a number of occasions. I told others as well. I also expressed my desire to withdraw from the course.
My father and his mate insisted that I remain enrolled in the Bachelor degree. They said I would pass my exams as long as I just turned up for them. It didn’t matter how many times I explained to Max and his mate that I couldn’t possibly pass (as I didn’t have any understanding of the lectures) they remained insistent that all I had to do was sit for the exams and I would pass, I didn’t even have to ‘put pen to paper.’
Mid 1991, I deferred from the degree. Later that year I withdrew completely. I didn’t want a degree which I knew I did not deserve. I worried that I was falling into a trap.
My father and his friends created many traps for me as a child. This was one I managed to escape from.
How many other academics in my family and beyond obtained their credentials in Adelaide in the same unjust manner?
How many of those work as ‘experts’ for the DCP/ family court, state sanctioned child trafficking system?
14 August 2024
Rachel Vaughan Links
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This is my affiliate link for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL
Until next time.
(Source: Indigenous Civilisations)
this is so prevalent wherever the cult is...these people are shoved in your face relentlessly on australia, the uk and elsewhere this sort were out in front promoting covid...bred for purpose soulless f**ktards...they can not be reasoned with...they have nothing there to reason with....they haunt universities, politics, medicine, bureaucracies etc etc...they are at the choke points to stifle the soul of the rest of us...Rachel is a beautiful warrior soul who is definitely NOT one of them!...and thank you for putting this out there!...and for you agency shills who might read this..just leave off and go back to your rimming