WHO implicated in alleged cult origins of emerging prion brain diseases linked to COVID jabs
In young people, the cellular repair mechanisms intervene immediately and eliminate misfolded proteins (prions). Prof. Mathias Jucker, Swiss neuroscientist.
Resharing Rachel Vaughan’s Prion news via telegram Channel
My father told me from when I was 14 years old that he had infected me with the kuru disease from Papua New Guinea. I worried about it greatly; he said I would not live to adulthood. I am now 45 years old, and have only recently started to consider it false information.
Rachel Vaughan, Cult Survivor & Whistleblower
Written by Rachel Vaughan
Doctors are predicting a prion epidemic as a result of the COVID jabs and the fact the spike protein mimics a prion.
I blew the whistle on the coming prion epidemic in a 2018 article with Mary Maxwell on the Zombie Apocalypse prediction my father made to me in 1983 (link below.)
My father had just murdered ‘missing’ girl (Tracey) Louise Bell in front of me, on or around my 10th birthday, when he decided to inform me that I had been intentionally infected by doctors with prions.
A further attempt to infect me with prions occurred when I was 14 years old. Thankfully, according to Prof. Mathias Jucker (2014 Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research) ‘in young people the cellular repair mechanisms intervene immediately and eliminate misfolded proteins’ (prions.)
This is why I am still alive. No doubt the experiments on children like myself were instrumental in providing such information to the medical world.
I believe the well-known Kuru prion experiments conducted in my home town of Adelaide, South Australia were in preparation for the COVID jab rollout.
As Dr Bart Classen warned in Jan 2021, the spike protein in the COVID jabs mimics a prion. Something that could spell disaster for the world’s population.
Nobel Laureate in virology Prof. Luc Montagnier also warned about the dangers of the spike protein becoming a catalyst for prion disorders; as did MIT scientist Dr Stephanie Seneff; Dr Richard Fleming; and Dr Elizabeth Eads.
Now deceased Adelaide doctor Roy Scragg, was involved in Kuru prion research on behalf of the World Health Organisation in the 1950’s and 60’s. 75 Kuru infected human cadavers were flown over from Papua New Guinea to the Adelaide Medical School for ‘experimentation’.
Adelaide boasts an unusual number of patients with a prion disorder called Lewy Body Dementia – which has a characteristic ‘zombie’ shuffle and a tendency to bite.
Scragg was a Rotarian – an adjunct to Freemasonry.
WHO documents state that Dr Scragg was studying prions in relation to ‘Further studies of de-population…’ (see National Archives documents provided by researcher JA Turner on May 22, 2022 viral post on this channel.)
My name has now become synonymous with these dire warnings of a zombie apocalypse. Which is not something I am proud of. I am not one to ‘project’ negative outcomes, regardless of how many doctors are predicting this prion epidemic.
I believe that we create our future with our thoughts.
Thankfully there has been renewed hope that Methylene Blue is in fact a treatment for prion disorders (Ana Maria Milhaeca Dec 16 2023 Substack article.) Something that prior to her article was unheard of.
We must never lose hope. Humanity can and will overcome this. As we have overcome so many blights on our existence over millennia.
‘They’ no longer hide in the shadows. We now know exactly who the enemy is.
They’ve played their hand very badly.
The truth in so many ways is coming to light.
Scragg-WHO Depopulation Study - 1962
(Image: Rachel Vaughan)
Adelaide Mysteries, Part 1: Rachel Vaughan Interprets “Zombie Apocalypse”
By Mary Maxwell LLB
Adelaide boasts an unusual number of patients with a prion disorder called Lewy Body Dementia – which has a characteristic ‘zombie’ shuffle and a tendency to bite.
Rachel Vaughan, Cult Survivor & Whistleblower
MARY. Let’s start with the zombie apocalypse. The readers had better get ready for some unbelievable stuff.
RACHEL. It is already described in Wikipedia, but only as a genre of fiction. Wikipedia says:
“In some stories, victims of zombies may become zombies themselves … if a zombie-creating virus travels by air, sexually, or by water; in others, everyone who dies, whatever the cause, becomes one of the undead.
In some cases, parasitic organisms can cause zombification by killing their hosts and reanimating their corpse. … Zombies also prey on the living and their bite causes an infection that kills.”
MARY. So you are going to tell us that this already happens in Adelaide.
RACHEL. You have already heard me say that my late father, Max McIntyre, worked for the pedophile ring known as “The Family.” He was the body-boy. He got rid of bodies of children. An odd part of his job is that the bodies have some sort of connection to a medical experiment.
MARY. You mean the kids were experimented on?
RACHEL. No, I mean the cadavers provided human flesh that was used a bit like I just quoted from Wikipedia.
MARY. That source said “In some cases, parasitic organisms can cause zombification by killing their hosts and reanimating their corpse.”
RACHEL. I think that last part is fiction – reanimating their corpses. But I believe the first part is true – “parasitic organisms can cause zombification.”
MARY. That is a medically accepted fact. The disease kuru makes a person act peculiar and he may die a few weeks later.
RACHEL. I think one of the forms of Alzheimer’s – Lewy body dementia — is like kuru.
MARY. OK I had never heard of Lewy body, but I just looked it up and found that Robin Williams death is attributed to it. His widow, Susan Williams, blamed Lewy body dementia for the death of the beloved actor in 2014
Scientific American said:
“About 1.3 million Americans have the disease, which is caused by protein deposits in the brain. Williams was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few months before he died; the telltale signs of Lewy body dementia in his brain were not discovered until an autopsy.”
It notes “Williams’s desperation as he sought to understand a bewildering array of symptoms that started with insomnia, constipation, and an impaired sense of smell and soon spiraled into extreme anxiety, tremors, and difficulty reasoning.”
RACHEL. I can’t say I know anything at all about Robin’s death, but I have seen many people in Adelaide who appear to have Lewy body dementia. They do not live long after they are diagnosed.
MARY. In the case of kuru, Gumshoe reprinted the Guardian’s obituary of Dr Carleton Gajdusek who won the Nobel prize. He allegedly heard of a disease, like mad-cow disease, that a remote Papuan tribe was suffering from (the Fore tribe). It was called the laughing disease, as the victims seemed to giggle and stagger around.
RACHEL. That doctor supposedly found that the cause of the disease was an unusual cannibal practice of that tribe. When someone died, they ate the body and the brain “out of reverence” That cadaver must have had a pathogen in it.
MARY. Or so the story goes, but as I told you I have been suspicious. Would a bunch of fancy doctors from the US go over to PNG and ferret this out? I am even more sceptical now that I hear Gajdusek's bail (when he was charged with pedophilia) was paid by Robert Gallo.
RACHEL. And Steve McMurray points out that Fiona Barnett’s handler, Dr Leon Petrauskas was involved with Dr Gajdusek and spent years in PNG.
MARY. Nothing can get me to think that Petrauskas was in Papua out of an altruistic motive to help people. Nothing.
Let me also say that I’ve researched the theory that AIDS is manmade. One piece of glaring evidence is that in 1969 a Dr McArthur asked Congress for $10 million to study ways to wreck the immune system. Of course HIV is precisely that – immuno-deficiency. This “virus” — if it really is a virus – was used for genocide in Africa.
RACHEL. So now I will tell of a strange sort of genocide.
RACHEL. As I said, my father Max, who did terrible things to me, had a special interest in some of the children’s cadavers. He took some of their flesh and sold it as meat. I am quite sure many people knowingly bought it – they wanted it. I also say it was cooked and served in our home in Edwardstown, SA. Yes, I and my parents and siblings ate it.
MARY. What was the purpose of this?
RACHEL. I don’t know.
MARY. Now tell me about your brush with “kuru.”
RACHEL. Mary, this is when I became fascinated in your work – when you started to talk about kuru. My father told me from when I was 14 years old that he had infected me with the kuru disease from Papua New Guinea. I worried about it greatly; he said I would not live to adulthood. I am now 45 years old,and have only recently started to consider it false information.
MARY. You told me that your dad had a crippled magpie named “Karu” that staggered around crippled and that it was named Karu to scare you about your forthcoming kuru.
RACHEL. Yes. It was a constant reminder.
MARY. Rachel, when you and I first talked – and that’s only 2 weeks ago – I misunderstood what you said about scrapie. You said your father, Max, was “selling” scrapie. I took that to mean he played a part in the economic sabotage of sheep production.
RACHEL. No, he had nothing to do with sheep. When I say he was working with scrapie it is somehow involved in the way he sold these packets of “meat.”
MARY. So it is humans, not animals, that he was infecting.
RACHEL. And, as I understand it, the symptoms would not begin for many years after the person ate the infected meat.
MARY. It would be foolish for amateurs like you and me to try to get scientific here. But many scientists may be involved. Steve McMurray whose dad worked at CSIRO as noted that Joshua Lederberg from Fort Detrick received a Fulbright to work with Sir Gustav Nossal and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet at the University of Melbourne in 1957. Lederberg was a key individual in the creation of bioweapons as he first discovered that bacteria can swap genes.
RACHEL. Macfarlane Burnett died but I think Nossal is still around, so we could ask him.
MARY. Possibly, and I do know something about pleomorphism, as taught to me by my medical mentor, Alan Cantwell, MD. He shows in his book Four Women against Cancer that Virginia Livingston found a cure for cancer but was not allowed to use it – allegedly because she was a believer in pleomorphism. The idea that bacteria can change shape. Nonetheless, at wicked Fort Detrick everyone is a devoted pleomorph.
RACHEL. Does that explain how it takes years to kill a person?
MARY. No I don’t know of a connection there. But I do firmly believe that the 1955 polio shots that we all got were infected DELIBERATELY with Simian Virus 40 – SV40.
MARY. So there would be a lot of people getting cancer way down the track.
RACHEL. Is SV-40 like kuru?
MARY. I have not the slightest idea. But there is plenty of material collected in my book Consider the Lilies: a Review of 18 Cures for Cancer. The gist of it is that The Powers That Be want a maximum number of people to get cancer.
RACHEL. Perhaps Alzheimer’s also.
Full Gumshoe News article:
Rachel Vaughan Channels
Further Reading
WHO Declared a 'Criminal Racketeering Organisation' Shortly After Inception
In a deleted news interview, I saw Bill Gates' eyes light up when he said that 'vaccines guarantee a 500% ROI'. Dr David Martin claims the WHO has been a vaccine promoting enterprise since 1953.
Sex Slave Cali Shai Bergandi Was Trafficked to Fauci and Gates Blood Cult Families
Gates family allegedly involved in the human remains 'citrus industry'. COVID possibly came from a blood variant connected to human remains. And other contagious revelations.
Until next time.
(Image: Indigenous civilizations)