Wow! Nothing comes as a surprise any more. Who would've thought the WEF list reads like cdc A-Z index of parasites. 😆
Not sure if it's a coincidence, on another post or platform , unable to recall. Someone mentioned misdis bill is being pushed through to align with Digital Id, Digital Currency and UBI bill. Not sure how true or it has merit.
Yes it's all part of the WEFtile's attempted digital prison. A mute, complicit media is making it easier for them to ram through this nonsense but the backlash is encouraging. Australians aren't used to fighting political crime because of the secrecy but we are now being shown how tragic these WEF servants are.
Wow! Nothing comes as a surprise any more. Who would've thought the WEF list reads like cdc A-Z index of parasites. 😆
Not sure if it's a coincidence, on another post or platform , unable to recall. Someone mentioned misdis bill is being pushed through to align with Digital Id, Digital Currency and UBI bill. Not sure how true or it has merit.
Thank you for sharing this.
Yes it's all part of the WEFtile's attempted digital prison. A mute, complicit media is making it easier for them to ram through this nonsense but the backlash is encouraging. Australians aren't used to fighting political crime because of the secrecy but we are now being shown how tragic these WEF servants are.