Thanks so much for writing this story for me Linda. And even more incredible and important, you believed me. :)

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You are so welcome, Dawn. People like you are going to help uninvert this messy world and shake out all the cult rot in a huge way. The timing of our connection was divine - I do believe that 100%. And you have many more stories yet to tell.

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Agree 💯. The world needs to hear much more from Dawn White!

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Wow! What a testimony, sadly resonant, deeply powerful. Thank you for this; may it not be erased but expanded upon!

Yes we must understand black magic, and AI programmed terrible tech, which the Death-Cult uses in unholy concert. I experience you, Jillionaire and Dawn, as more Lightwarriors deployed.


This is how we win!

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Do you know anything about the MK keys and codes that are bought and sold by the death cult? I am also looking into their grotesque biofield hacking racket and digital twin. You have posted some helpful information on your Telegram channel about digital twins. Between you and Magyar leader Goz Goz who is being unlawfully detained in Sydney's previously respected St Vincent's hospital, I feel as though I am on the right track now as far as reliable information is concerned

I also have some notes from a video posted by an irate woman who claimed to be a Rothschild/Rockefeller - she exposed some really complex, high level tech crimes that were going on behind the scenes and backed them up with various reference points on the internet that most people have no clue about - just the way they like it. The harmful and hateful intentions of the Frankenstein bloodlines are next level - the same creeps who tell governments to pass BS laws so they can jail people for truthful social media comments that can be twisted into 'hate speech'.

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Let me do a little research and get back to you, but my best source re: tech, biofield hacking, digital criminal behavior is here: @WalkersAmongUs.

Sad to hear about Goz Goz's imprisonment.

It's crazy times what's going on for sure! I find such help in daily focused meditation of a field of light and love surrounding me, sourced from love, that all insanity bounces off for non-resonance.

For some reason your post here made me think also of this resource, in case it's helpful: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rwaK-Te9WDI?si=dSxi5hX1rYkR-ZIc

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I have been enjoying swims in the ocean and morning walks in my nature-filled surrounds. And I tend to stay in my comfortable spot on the edge of this fishbowl internet world so I don't miss any competing narratives. And keep the messed up transitional energies well away from me.

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Clone Zone

Hybrids Chimera

Consciousness Transfer Technology

Operation Robert Trout

Explore Technology with Luna

Walkers R Us


#Walker #Messerschmitt #Operation_Paperclip #Greada_Treaty #Ironman

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Thank you Anastasia. This is really helpful. 💛

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We did start a North American TRC!


We were blown apart by Michael Aquino...but he's gone and many of us are still alive. Let's go!

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Are you familiar with Australian cult survivor Fiona Barnett? She has been speaking out about cult abuses and crimes on an international scale for a long time. She held a press conference which was well received by most of the mainstream media apart from (pedo sympathiser agent-journalists) but she created too many unwanted waves, it seems and was shut down in 2014. She attributes that to Nicole Kidman’s PR army. Fiona’s recollections of attending ritual sacrifices with Kidman when she was young must have rattled the wider cult cage a little too much. Then Fiona took steps to sue Antony Kidman for child sex abuse but he conveniently died soon after. Another convenient death was Rachel Vaughan’s serial killer pedophile ‘father’ who she refers to as Australia’s Epstein (and possibly worse). He suddenly died when a parliamentarian helped Rachel force the hand of the cult system and greenlight an investigation into Rachel’s allegations. Here is an article about Fiona’s quest for justice. I wasn’t aware of her until 2020 when I came across her book called Eyes Wide Open. Aquino was one of her main perpetrators and his name appears in her book 35 times. https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/antony-kidman-dies-amidst-child-abuse-allegations,6918

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett:

I am not the first to publicly accuse Billy Graham of being a CIA agent, Freemason, and rapist. MK-ULTRA victim Kathleen Sullivan, who wrote Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, said he raped her.

Former high-ranking Freemason James Shaw described how 33⁰ Freemason Billy Graham was present at his own 33⁰ initiation ritual. Time magazine reported the CIA funded Billy Graham’s 1967 Latin American crusade under a CIA cut-out, the US National Student Association, which also financed the National Council of Churches, Harvard Law School, and AFL-CIO affiliates.16 The New York Times picked up the story.

Here is correspondence I received from two more Billy Graham victims:

1. ‘Fiona, I just came across an article you had written about Scalia and it also mentioned Billy Graham. I was born in 1956 in SC, to a ‘church organist’ who was in an SRA cult. I am 62 and was 55 before really detailed abuse memories became clear to me.

I worked for a while with a Christian therapist who diagnosed me as having DID and being an SRA survivor. Sometimes I doubted my own memories, but he NEVER did, with one exception. He did not believe me when I told him of being taken to a Billy Graham crusade as a small child, perhaps age 6 or 7, and being made to give Graham oral sex. My parents sang in the choir at several of his crusades and his music director, Cliff Barrows... my parents knew them personally...

Even after his death, he is one religious leader heavily protected by the media. Anyway, may God bless you for your courage. Please keep exposing evil people... I’m 99 percent sure my abusers were Luciferians. Definitely involved some Freemasons one of whom was a Southern Baptist minister.’

2.‘I was put through a satanic ritual with Billy Graham when I was 7, hung upside down on a cross, with about ten children and a half circle of men in black robes. I think I called out for Jesus during part of it. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me for doing so, screaming at me something like that not even Jesus could help me. That’s one ritual. Just one. Billy Graham must have had so many victims. The man is in hell where he belongs.’

* The Rothstein incident is a fine example of the tactics employed by CIA-paid social media agents. They search hard for inconsistencies and try to discredit and dismiss my entire testimony based on one small detail. I spent five years on the internet disproving every accusation. Every time I successfully defended myself, the CIA-paid internet trolls ignored their defeat and moved directly onto their next attempt.

That is a CIA tactic and the same thing a courtroom lawyer is trained to do. These CIA social media agents are trained in public persuasion tactics based on Social Psychology, Crowd Psychology, and Bystander Effects. The CIA know that most people do not bother researching facts for themselves; instead, they would come to me and demand an answer to every false accusation, no matter how absurd. The CIA-paid social media trolls will do the same with this book - focus on discrediting my entire 250,000+ words with one stupid point that I do not sufficiently clarify.

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Yes, I met Fiona Barnett in 2016 at the Ivory Gardens Trauma and Dissociation Conference in Seattle, WA USA.


It was brief and she wouldn't recall me probably. Watching her presentation, I had the sense she was furious...only later finding my own fury and thus empathy for hers. Her Seattle presentation was a series of images and stories that were highly disturbing to me, such that I did not recall any solution ideas (not that she is responsible to remedy OEA), and I left upset and did not follow her work after that. How amazing to hear she launched legal consequences for Antony Kidman, which were followed by fatal consequences for him.

I have benefitted from the disclosures of Fiona. I was sent a link to her book: "A comprehensive, well written and informative 460 page book by Fiona Barnett. The book covers CIA Child Trafficking, MK Ultra in Australia, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control and Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation and Trauma-Focused Integration.

The EBook has been released by Fiona for FREE." I did not read it, fearing it would be like her presentation.

Download e-book here:


I saw part of "Candy Girl" by Fiona Barnett and found it believable. PART 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5QtRABs1isw6/

PART 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1pyyy20IeNWv/

I have also heard from other survivors that she is still programmed, deals with a brain implant, and "Fiona is controlled opposition, a government paid wrongen!" That she was studying with a 7th-Day Adventist. That she presents as a free whistle-blower but is not, and not be fooled. I don't want to be fooled, but also want to acknowledge the helpful disclosure information shared by Fiona.

The only other personal story I heard about Fiona is from a Domestic Violence Advocate I trusted who paid Fiona to travel to Canada to help educate mental health professionals in a group there about OEA, back in 2015. An arrangement was made for Fiona to stay with another OEA survivor during her time there. The advocate said that the survivor later reported Fiona was harmfully dominant and seemed to step into a very controlling role, such that the advocate regretted making the arrangement. She had some fear that there was a nefarious handling dynamic there.

Could be true...also though...once handled, that's the intimacy template that can continue into organic relationships, the template, IDK. I've certainly had to work through that in my own relationships, on both sides, where it didn't seem like the Death-Cult was pulling the (recent) strings.

Oh, I see you have quoted Fiona's books below. I will read them and respond more soon, thank you! You amaze me!

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Yes, Fiona did share helpful disclosure information through her book. I have heard various commentators say the book was written by 3 people and one of them died just before of just after it was published online. I have not read it in full but have searched for specific topics to see if she had written about them.

Interesting that you mentioned her fury - after browsing through her book, I listened to one of her more current interviews and her fury was obvious. Also found her other videos but haven't watched any in full. The death cult realm was new to me and my research workload was extremely heavy going. I hope she finds her way to healing after being dragged so deeply into the luciferian cult filth and violent abuse - in between all the 'lucrative trappings'.

In her book (page 356) explains what it means to qualify as a priestess grande dame. Former NZ WEFtile PM Jacinda Ardern is now a grande dame - the general population would have no clue that her elevation was orchestrated by the pedophile death cult - luciferian brotherhood - or whatever they choose to call themselves.

This excerpt about being chosen by Sydney Grande Dame Anne Conlon to be her successor is memorable:

I accompanied Anne Conlon on her final round of goodbyes during which she

announced her decision and my succession. This was ill received by Antony Kidman who coveted the position for his daughter Nicole. I heard from two independent sources that Nicole is male. That, plus her unimpressive IQ, would have rendered her ineligible for Grande Dame nomination.

Volatile Rosalind Croucher also threw a tantrum at the news. She screamed that I was too young and demanded to know why I was chosen. She stopped mid-sentence and began to choke. She then collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath.

‘That’s why I chose her,’ Anne concluded, and we left.

Anne Conlon and Janelle Kidman had associated for years due to the close relationship between their husbands. So, we took tea with Janelle Kidman whom I despised.

‘Fiona has just returned from America,’ Anne tried to make polite conversation.

‘Oh really,’ Janelle feigned interest. ‘How did that go.’

Suddenly, Janelle’s teacup exploded into pieces.

Anne chastised me as we drove away. I waited until she calmed down before I added, ‘Yeah, but it was funny.’

She smiled. ‘Yes, it was.’

Anne smiled once more, during a visit to a horse property north-west of Sydney, when I made a joke about her long chestnut hair being the same colour as the horse.

The Ritualistic Transfer of Power

Fritz Springmeier described the Grande Dame position as follows:

As a child of the Illuminati progressed through its programming, three people had

oversight over its programming: its Grande Mother, its Grande Dame, and the


The Illuminati method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. No blood is to be spilled out of respect for the elderly woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power... the Grande Dames, are often veiled in ritual and would wear robes with different coloured lining. The different colours of linings show the different grades.

Anne Conlon and I rode in mournful silence to St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney City. The Cathedral was packed full of dignitaries, politicians, entertainers and priests including Cardinal George Pell. The cathedral doors were heavily guarded by NSW police. The opulent evening ritual featured Bach organ music and a full choir. There I drew in Anne’s last breath and collapsed to the floor behind the altar, devastated.

It was acceptable for me to show emotion on this special occasion because my grief proved the ‘good bond’ between a Grande Dame and her apprentice. I quickly composed myself and strode numbly down the cathedral aisle to eerie Baroque music I now hate.


With Anne Conlon gone, I was fair game - just as I predicted. Antony Kidman took his rage out on me at a post-production party hosted at his Neutral Bay home on 27 October 1984. John Bell had produced King Lear at his Nimrod Theatre Company, with a cast of Australia’s finest actors including Judy Davis and Colin Friels.

It was the night before my 15th birthday. Leonas Petrauskas dropped me in front of Kidman’s house and told me to ring the 357 doorbell and say ‘Starchild is here.’ Bruce Spence answered the door. I was led through a room full of noise, alcohol and people snorting cocaine on a coffee table in the corner.

After the guests left, John Bell and Antony Kidman raped me in the loungeroom.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett:


The CIA intervened to protect their agent Billy Graham. One of my key perpetrators, US Army Psychological Operations expert Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, weighed in on an orchestrated international effort to discredit me. Another perpetrator, Bond University lecturer Katarina Fritzon, responded to my allegations on official Bond University letterhead. The written responses of my two perpetrators mirrored each other in their accusation I was a crazy fantasist. Yet people typically ignore crazy fantasists. People respond to someone who is swaying public opinion and who threatens to expose their cult involvement. Only the most desperate and dumb perpetrators respond personally in writing.

After this umpteenth attack on my credibility failed, the fool who published both responses subsequently begged social media sharers to delete Luciferian priest Michael Aquino’s email to him, before he disappeared from the internet.

Team Aquino’s angle was to focus on whether Rothstein had personally investigated Billy Graham, and they staged a phone interview with the retired detective. I subsequently phoned Rothstein’s home. His wife, who had warmly welcomed Aquino’s lackey, was cold and short with me. I phoned Rothstein’s mobile. ‘How did you get this number?!’ Rothstein asked defensively. It was the same number Aquino’s lackey called him on.

‘It’s plastered all over the internet,’ I responded. ‘You were tricked. A recording of your conversation with Aquino’s lackey is everywhere.’

‘I thought what you’re doing is admirable,’ he lamented. ‘Can’t you just tell people an old man got it wrong?’

No, I could not. To clarify, Rothstein never told me he personally worked on an investigation into Billy Graham. Rothstein spoke of Billy Graham in the context of having heard about the preacher’s pedophile antics from somewhere within his network of associates whose job it was to investigate VIP pedophile rings. We never discussed the source of this information, or whether it came from his own NYPD organisation, or from external agencies like the FBI, or his journalist contacts. He simply immediately and emphatically asserted to me that he and his colleagues ‘heard lots’ about Billy Graham’s pedophile involvement.

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Eyes Wide Open: Fiona Barnett:


I published a draft of this Watergate was Pedogate chapter on my blog in 2018. It proved popular. ‘Watergate was Pedogate is the best thing I ever read,’ one reader commented.

My article caused great controversy, particularly among Southern Baptist Billy Graham worshippers who told me I was the talk of many a Sunday table. Photographs published by Billy’s son Franklin Graham on social media showing him proudly dining on what he described as ‘killer doughnuts’ at Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland added weight to my allegation, that Billy Graham was a multi-generational Luciferian pedophile. Many concluded that Franklin Graham posted his tweet as a cult threat against me, in direct response to my articles exposing his Freemason father.

Conservative Christians found it inappropriate for an evangelical preacher to dine at an establishment that sold doughnuts decorated with encircled pentagrams and which featured Jesus Christ crucified on a penis and testicle shaped doughnut called ‘Cock-N-Balls.’ My articles caused one elderly Baptist to cut the Billy Graham Foundation from her will.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett:

Further, over 100 Clinton staff and associates met untimely deaths, in quick succession, just like the many witnesses to JFK’s assassination, and the victim of and witnesses to Kevin Spacey’s sexual assaults.

Pedogate was discredited as ‘fake news’ despite NBC’s (11 June 2013) televised report regarding Hillary Clinton using her position as US Secretary of State to cease an investigation into child sex trafficking within the State Department. Despite the mainstream media blackout, Pedogate reached the public via social media. YouTube featured interviews with credible witnesses who testified to the existence of an international child sex trafficking operation involving US politicians and the CIA.

That was when I noticed retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein. Pedogate, he explained in interview, was the same VIP pedophile network he investigated for 35 years. The perpetrators were doing everything in their power to shut the Pedogate story down, Rothstein observed. He predicted the perpetrators would successfully bury it just like every other time their network was almost exposed, including the Franklin, Presidio, and McMartin scandals. Rothstein explained that the NYPD was no ordinary state police force, but a leading investigative agency with national and international offices.

Back in 1966, Rothstein became the first police detective assigned to investigate the prostitution industry. Almost immediately he discovered an underground sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes. ‘Human Compromise’ is what he labelled the honey-trap process.

Rothstein and his colleagues found that approximately 70 percent of top US Government leaders were compromised in this way. Rothstein said, the CIA conducted the human compromise operation, while the FBI was tasked with covering up any leaks.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett:


The sensational headline concerned the Franklin Scandal in Omaha Nebraska that David Shurter was a victim of and witness to. Shurter is also a victim of my perpetrator Lt. Col. Michael Aquino who was implicated in Franklin plus the Presidio and McMartin preschool scandals in which children were sexually and ritually abused.

Pedogate whistle-blowers claimed, children trafficked to Washington DC were held in transit cellars within local businesses including a restaurant where an ‘entertainer’ was filmed boasting about raping and killing kids. Clean FBI and NYPD officers apparently made multiple attempts to charge Hillary Clinton and other VIP members of the trafficking ring, but their efforts were thwarted by those in the chain of command above them.

One of the attempted charges related to a video of Hillary Clinton and her bisexual lover Huma Aberdeen (wife of pedophile Anthony Weiner) conducting a Luciferian ritual in which they skinned the face off a live young girl. The dissemination of this video was the said reason behind YouTube’s global shutdown that occurred in late 2018 while I was online. Someone later posted forensic photos of the skinned victim on my Twitter feed which I automatically viewed.

Mainstream media giants launched a cover-up campaign against the leaked Podesta emails and related crimes, to muddy the waters and leave the general public confused about the truth. The likes of CNN (founded by my pedophile rapist Ted Turner) successfully drew the public’s attention from what was contained in the emails, to who might have leaked them and spread ‘fake news.’

The pedophiles coined the term ‘fake news’ in reaction to the publication of Podesta’s emails. Clinton herself never addressed or denied the email contents. The emails were said to have been leaked by US Intelligence community staff opposed to organised pedophilia. Mainstream journalists whose reports were consistent with this version of events were promptly fired.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett (***Trigger warning***)

‘DR WHITE’ During my trip to the USA at age six, I was also transported to Dulce, home of the Frankenstein lab purpose built for Col. Louis Jolyon West, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and John W. Gittinger, who were trained directly by Operation Paperclip’s most clandestine recruit, Joseph Mengele.

Dulce lab technicians strapped my naked body to a chair, plastered large electrode pads to my back and limbs, and attached a Medusa-mass of EEG electrodes to my head. My brain splits were colour-labelled: Green, Blue, Red, White, Yellow. For each colour, Dr West was codenamed ‘Dr White.’ He held a large sheet of coloured card in my face while a computer repeated the name of the colour: ‘Red. Red. Red. Red. Red…’

I was simultaneously electrocuted until my senses were overwhelmed and I surrendered my will to the insertion of 422 their instruction. They stopped torturing me once they recognised the desired brainwave pattern on their monitors.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett

A Washington Post article introduced Bohemian Grove as follows: Every July, some of the richest and most powerful men in the world gather at a 2,700- acre campground in Monte Rio, Calif., for two weeks of heavy drinking, super-secret talks, druid worship (the group insists they are simply ‘revering the Redwoods’), and other rituals.

A more accurate description would be:

‘Every year, elite male Luciferian pedophiles gather for a 16-day Bacchanalia-flavoured summer camp featuring drunken orgies, child hunts, and ritual human sacrifice to pagan gods.’

Peter Alexander Chernoff said he helped the Luciferian cult abduct a 10-year-old boy named Kevin Collins from San Francisco. He later witnessed San Francisco-based Michael Aquino ritually sacrifice the child at Bohemian Grove in the presence of George Bush Senior (a Nazi), Pope Ratzinger (a former Nazi), and Omaha businessman Warren Buffet who was implicated in the Franklin VIP child trafficking scandal. Famous Bohemian Grove attendees include Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett:

The Cult taught me to revere the Rothschilds as demigods (Nephilim). Based on my programming structure, I deduce that Joseph Mengele was a Rothschild. I also suspect my perpetrators Michael Aquino, Leonas Petrauskas, and Leo’s business partner John Melov were Rothschilds.

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Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett:

MK-ULTRA child rapist and killer Martin Orne cofounded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. The concept of ‘false memory’ was in fact the brainchild of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, the US Army Intelligence Officer who headed Psychological Operations. In classic PsyOp style, Aquino appeared on Oprah dressed in theatrical pop-satanism garb, to muddy the waters after multiple children identified him as a Luciferian pedophile. Aquino was implicated in every major USA case involving CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse and MK-ULTRA mind control, including the McMartin Preschool, Presidio Preschool, and Franklin scandals.

Aquino and Orne’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) and its Australian counterpart (AFMA) were formed specifically to counter the tidal wave of disclosure by victims of CIA child trafficking and Project MK-UKLTRA which began in the 1980s and peaked in the early 1990s before the CIA effectively shut it down. The FMSF Board comprised of former CIA and military doctors with backgrounds in behaviour modification - not ritual abuse. All members were accused pedophiles and/or CIA perpetrators. Like PIE, the FMSF offered legal support to accused pedophiles.

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This is great news, Anastasia! What did Aquino do to destroy your coalition? He was such a creepy guy.

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Started to respond but it's a long story...painful but familiar...involving several people in the coalition standing up to Aquino online and outside his home, betrayal from within the group, a targeted energy weapon that hit one of us and put her on the run for her and her children's lives, overwhelm of members evoke dysfunction and mistrust, attempts to rally that didn't work, and several resignations. Sigh.

More overview related info here: https://www.soaarglobal.com/about

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I'm sorry to hear that the retaliation for taking a stand against him was so damaging. I had never heard of the guy until I came across Fiona Barnett's book in 2020. From memory, she was of the view that Aquino was sacrificed because he was becoming a liability and was of no use to the cult anymore, or something along those lines. From what I read on your website, you have all gone from strength to strength since then. Great work!

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Thank you! :)

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I'd like to learn more about Tribal Governance Model, can you advise?

My best source on Voluntaryism: https://open.substack.com/pub/artofliberty?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1tmffb

I also love Nora Samaran's Nurturance Culture Model as the opposite and remedy for Rape Culture.: https://norasamaran.com/.

I have a system for thriving groups we use at my org SOAAR Global.

There are answers...we simply need to sort out how to convey them to an interested majority. Easy peasy?

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Thank you for the links. Here are some of my notes about the existing tribal governance structure. If you go to 1 hour 15 mins in the video, Lurnpa explains it with a drawing of the circular, clan-based governance structure. https://rumble.com/v2ewpyi-the-australian-aboriginals-fighting-for-survival-dr-reiner-fuellmich-talks-.html

Australian tribal leader (Galpa Clan) David ‘Lurnpa’ Cole in conversation with attorney Reiner Fuellmich, 2022:

An ancient tribal government structure has been in place for millennia where all clans have equal input into the needs of the people. It doesn’t allow for fraud, treason, nepotism or any other criminal behaviour. The reason it has survived through ancient times is because it is a natural balance of order given to us by nature.

My Place councils are being formed all over the country. There are over 100 councils. Between us we can establish our own courts based on tribal law and common law. Many judicial people have also said they have had enough of it and we hope more support comes out of the woodwork when this process starts.

Lurnpa’s paternal grandfather attended a ceremony with Queen Elizabeth when she was only 25, freshly inaugurated (1952). She gifted him a sword and, in the process, she took off both gloves. When they leave their gloves on you are lesser, when they take off one glove, you are equal and when they take off two gloves, you are superior. She took off both her gloves in a private ceremony gifted him a sword and said to him: Unite your people and take it all back. It’s all yours.’

The reason the Crown left Australia in 1973 is that Resolution 232525, which was passed on 24 October 1970 at the United Nations, stipulated that all lands must be decolonised. When the Crown vacated, everything was supposed to be handed over to the tribes but they quietly registered on the US stock exchange as a corporation. The Australian constitution and laws have been invalid since 1973. Now we have a corporate entity that is here to rape and pillage the resources.

We not only have the right to hold a tribal lore court under our ancient government structure, we can invite all local and international legal people to attend and participate in our holding the biggest lore court on the planet, under ancient lore that has been here since time began. It has all existed under the ancient tribal government structure. Not only is our lore still alive, it’s practiced every day. We are ready to invite all of you to come because we can and we don’t have to ask.

(I later came across the work of journalist and former Crown prosecutor Jo Cashman, who scathingly accused Lurnpa of being a child trafficker and running with a bad crowd. I will find the article and publish more of my Lurnpa notes along with her accusations. She was also an advisor to two previous Australian prime ministers in our illegitimate government-corporation. Pot calling the kettle black? We’ll see.)

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Thank you for sharing this about the existing tribal governance structure. I will meditate upon it further. My practice is to find the best people involved that I can and connect with them, get to know them, ideally in person. If we feel an affinity then we can co-create a shared inquiry, which in my experience is more powerful than that of an individual, as long as each person also has an individual discernment practice and is of good ethics.

It sounds like you are still exploring whether Lurnpa can be trusted, vs. Jo Cashman. The latter's government position evokes suspicion to me.

Currently my focus is a) Attempt to awaken the masses and b) Co-create a global grass roots leadership-service structure to replace the corrupt one. Nice to build with things and people already in place...

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Yes I do have to revisit the Lurnpa vs Cashman narratives. Our exchange of information reminded me of Lurnpa's explanation of the existing tribal governance structure that was buried by the satanic government structure when 'experiment island' Australia was created. I recently watched a docu-drama about the first settlements in the Australian penal colony and it feels like we are coming full circle now. So many masonic politicians have sold out the people in exchange for power, money and censorship that they can't realistically expect to continue on like this, spending tax money like there is no tomorrow, acting in videos where they pretend to be on the side of the people, appointing friends to high positions of 'commissioners' of who knows what, mocking and hoodwinking the community etc. Anything with self governance at its core resonates with me the most but there are many people who are dependent on governments because of disempowering social engineering. They also go with wherever the tide takes them so now that the tide is turning in the right direction, largely because of grassroots groups, the dependents would realign and receive support to learn how to take responsibility and see the benefits of self governance.

One of the most interesting comments I have heard in my post 2020 research travels is that the one thing politicians fear the most, is the formation of a private government. I like the idea of wisdom councils and minimal lawyers involved - they are all brainwashed with gobbeldygook. Our parliaments are overloaded with them. When I have more time, I will do more research about the different approaches to new forms of governance.

I noted that the Anastasia Foundation has self governance at its core - is it named after Anastasia Romanov? Another post-covid group I came across was building a new self governance 'system' but that was derailed by the same person that is involved in trying to control the My Place group. Character assassination was used against the guy who co-founded the group but all is good in his world now.

Either way, I am an independent ruling bloodline so if anyone tries to force another stupid bioweapon injection into my arm or tell me I can't use certain words to express myself or any other ridiculous demands, they will rue the day.

This morning I borrowed a book from the library by Desmond & Mpho Tutu called The Book of Forgiving - the fourfold path for healing ourselves and the world. I agree that we all need to heal, first and foremost. When we heal, our ancestors heal and our pillaged earth heals. I am going to keep learning and keep writing.

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Well it was a coalition, a pre-commision. We hoped to gain momentum, but we're targeted to non-functionality, though the website remains. And the vision!

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About Us


"The North American Truth & Reconciliation Coalition (NATRC) seeks to raise public awareness about historical and ongoing human rights violations in North America, and works to establish an accurate and truthful historical record of such crimes, including human trafficking, organized ritual crime, child soldiering, mind control experimentation and other forms of torture, in both the private and public spheres."

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A few days ago I watched a video by a fine Englishman called Dave Bizley. His point blank honest, public letter to the King of England caught my eye about a month ago and I have been enjoying his YouTube offerings ever since.

His video entitled 'Illuminati or Truth' spoke about being approached to join the Illuminati, which he declined, and his idea to establish Truth and Justice Commissions throughout England, run by the people for the people, with qualified legal advisors on the sidelines. His idea largely mirrored my idea of a truth and reconciliation commission and your NATRC, I'm sure. This is 100% doable. Given the violent abuses inflicted upon people around the world by the complicit, doormat, luciferian/satanic Covidiot governments who serve the pedogarchs instead of the people, this is a must!

"Just the threat of a Truth and Justice Commission will serve to cause individuals to clean up their game and serve the people rather than their own agendas."

Here are some notes:

When we look around our society right now, we look at people who have got into positions of influence - some positions of power in our government, within our police force, within our justice system, even within our educational system. It's quite evident that a number of those people have not got to those positions of influence on merit.

If you can't proclaim truth out in the open and if you cannot proclaim your agenda out into the open… if you have to do it in secrecy, then I don't want any part of that. What you're doing therefore is shady, as far as I'm concerned, and it's certainly not for the benefit of the whole and for Humanity, but is for selfish goals...

So I think my suspicion is that this is rife with people in positions of influence and that is why our political system is apparently seemingly corrupt just now and why it appears that our justice system is being used against us...

So it's very important that as a society we reclaim our democracy we reclaim our justice system and my suggestion to do that is something called Regional Truth and Justice Commissions. And the idea for this is that they basically be very similar to what you may be familiar with, something called a select committee which is really a panel which interviews or summons an individual to come and answer questions in a public forum.

So it would be similar to a select committee but it would have more power. It would also not be run by politicians or ‘professionals’. The decision-making and the questioning would be hosted by 12 members of society. 12 members of that community on the same basis as jury service and jury duty. There are 48 counties in Great Britain so there could be something like 48 Regional Truth and Justice Commissions or perhaps 50 if you divided London into two parts.

The idea is to put the power of accountability back into the hands of the people and out of the hands of a political 'class' that keeps looking after themselves, not asking the right questions, not following through on the results of certain inquiries.

We've seen too often that so many ‘inquiries’ that happen, even when they're published, they just get buried somewhere because ultimately, our political 'class' is looking after themselves and they have no real intention of holding themselves to account.

And so this has got to be challenged. This has got to be tweaked, if you like.

My idea is that a regional Truth and Justice Commission would have the authority to summon any person in a position of influence and power over others to that commission to answer questions in a public forum by 12 members of the community, of society.

A Truth and Justice Commission would run for something like 21 days, it would be a set period of time. No more than seven of those days would be used to brief 12 members that had been called to serve on that Truth and Justice Commission. Seven of those days would be used to brief those 12 individuals on the case that's being brought before them and for that purpose, they would have legal counsel and legal aid to brief them on the case.

However, at no point in time would a lawyer be able to ask the questions on the panel. That would be only open to the 12 who have been appointed and called to serve on the panel. Also there could be something called a moderator, some sort form of professional that is a moderator who would make sure that certain procedures were being followed and that it was a disciplined process.

The Truth and Justice Commission would have the power to… summon any person to answer questions in a public forum like this, from your local MP, to a police commander, to a judge, to a head teacher, various CEOs that were CEOs over organizations that had an influence over society like TV stations or newspapers, that sort of thing.

Unlike what we would be familiar with on a select committee, the Truth and Justice Commission would have power not only to ask questions and to demand answers but also to a certain degree, to make judgments and to impose penalties, even to the point of a suspension of employment for further inquiry or even the termination of employment and even to recommend that that case then goes forward if necessary to a prosecution or even to a criminal trial.

So these Truth and Justice 5Commissions would have teeth but the key would be is that they would be hosted by 12 members of society on the same basis as jury service. And some people say, well how can you trust nonprofessionals in that scenario? Well, if we trust nonprofessionals to make decisions about being guilty or not guilty in a crown prosecution or in a criminal trial where 12 jurors are called, then I think we can trust 12 individuals from society to exercise common sense and to ask the right questions certainly better than our political 'class' can.

And so if we are going to have any hope of reclaiming the essence of our democracy, something like this, an idea of a Truth and Justice Commission run by the people for the people is essential, and only in this way will we be able to have proper accountability within our society and hold those who truly have legal power over us to account, and so that when there is an abuse of justice, when there are individuals in power over us that are abusing their position for financial gain or for some agenda that is not open, for some agenda that is hidden and secret, that we the people have the means to address this in a public forum and to actually make some judgments.

And there are many cases already within our recent history in which MPs should have at least lost their jobs, possibly even gone to jail. And why is it that there's not a single senior police officer that has been brought to account to answer for the Grooming Gang Scandal? Why is it that our judges are imprisoning people for first-time minor offenses but excusing others that are repeat offenders for grievous crimes? Why is this happening in our society?

We need a way of holding these individuals to account so that they think twice about arresting people, intimidating people with the powers of arrest; think twice about sentencing people to incarceration; think twice about how they conduct themselves in public office, because if they're found wanting, they'll be brought before a people's Truth and Justice Commission.

And I can tell you, just the process of it, just the threat of a Truth and Justice Commission, will clean up our political system. It will clean up our justice system. It will clean up other areas such as where there's been suspicious activity within our educational system, within our press and other areas that are influencing British public life. Just the threat of a Truth and Justice Commission will serve to cause individuals to clean up their game and serve the people rather than their own agendas.

And it will also mean that those who are attracted to politics or those who are attracted to being a judge or serving in the police or serving in a higher capacity as a senior police commander etc or those who aspire to be head teachers or those who aspire to be CEOs of journalistic bodies, that it will make them think twice about actually pursuing those goals if they know that they're going to be held to account on the basis of their integrity by the people.

So those are my ideas. That's my fourth idea and perhaps I will put all of these ideas down in print and some form of book… so that I can unpack these ideas to a better degree. But I believe in our society, I believe in Britain, I believe in our British culture. I believe that we already have good laws in place, we already have the Democratic principles in place to have a fair society.

It's just that our justice system and our democracy are being usurped by people who are negligent and even sinister in their agenda and these are the people that we have to filter out of our decision-making process. And something like a truth and Justice Commission that is run by the people would serve that purpose.

So that's my idea thank you for listening.


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I am interested. Perhaps we need to start globally, one member from various regions, not too many. Lasting longer than suggested here...something in common with Desmond Tutu singing the community back to wellness when the dark truth gets too heavy to bear. Though rather than a return to Democracy, I've been exploring Voluntaryism. Yes this or something better...Sign me up!

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My pick is the ancient tribal governance model that was buried by the satanic constructs. Australia has a group called My Place which is based on this philosophy but there doesn't appear to be much progress with that. I am inspired to revisit Desmond Tutu's life and work. I love the concept of 'singing the community back to wellness when the dark truth gets too heavy to bear.' It certainly applies to the dark truth of the centuries old vampiric death cult. Music is good medicine our most powerful healer and unifier. Thank you for the reminder. I haven't heard of voluntaryism. I like the idea of a wisdom council that oversees the people who believe they were born to rule. They have shown us how anti humanity they are and can't realistically expect to continue on with there mass murder agenda. I know there are higher levels of genuinely good people but Australia is a looneymati-stricken basket case and needs attention sooner rather than later.

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You have reminded me of Plato's views on democracy in his book The Republic. I came across a comprehensive analysis of his book in my vampiric death cult travels. I just found this summary which reflects where we are now:

"Plato asserts that democracy is always susceptible to the danger of a demagogue who rises to power by pleasing the crowd and, in doing so, commits terrible acts of immorality and depravity.

This ultimately leads to the complete collapse of the democratic order, which results in tyranny.

Tyrannies arise when powerful groups or individuals separate themselves from the democratic regime and become uncontrollable forces."

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