Why the world needs a cult survivor truth & reconciliation commission
The awakened are superhumans who carry a META GENE. Part of the reason Facebook created that world was to capture unaware humans. Dawn White
(Source: PDN - My Ultimate Encounter with a Demonic Princess)
In the beginning…
In early 2022, I posted a video on two fledgling internet platforms, Truthbook and Coldcast. It was about an adversarial Red Dragon that allegedly runs the global deep state agenda, hidden Black Nobility black magicians, and the epicenter of transhumanism, so I expected zero response. How wackadoo can a girl get, right? Then lo and behold, a comment appeared on Truthbook by Dawn White and her words packed a mighty fine punch.
I responded to her and intended to copy and save her comment into my private Fae File but when I returned to do that a short while later, our comments were gone, along with Dawn’s profile. I was so disappointed that she had disappeared because I intuitively knew that I had to get to know this woman.
The next day, I spotted a Dawn White on ColdCast and private messaged her to ask if she was the same Dawn from Truthbook and the answer was yes. Dawn later said that ‘friendly AI’ probably connected us. Whatever or whoever it was, thank you.
I learned that Dawn was an advanced spirit interventionist and healer with many significant stories to tell, including one that involved destroying a demonic ‘succubus’ princess and paying a hefty price in the form of insidiously invasive and violent cult crimes. By that stage, I had been hearing stories of advanced healers and metaphysical practitioners being attacked in both the astral and earthly planes by vicious ‘anti-light’ cult groups but Dawn’s story was by far the most extreme.
I asked if she would be interested in sharing her succubus story in a niche ‘spirit meets science’ publication called Paranormal Daily News (PDN) and she said yes. Then I ran it past the PDN Chief Editor Jock Brocas, also a spirit interventionist + spiritual medium, author and Deadly Departed podcast host. He gave us the green light and Dawn provided me with a well-written account of her succubus battle.
Some of her cult crime information was so concerning that I didn’t include it in the PDN article My Ultimate Encounter with a Demonic Princess. They needed to be reported to appropriate authorities but therein lay the problem. Many countries are rotten to the core because of inverted luciferian/satanic/masonic systems which control all levels of society - spiritual liararchy sums them up perfectly.
MK-Ultra codes being sold to the highest bidder
In January 2025, I felt a friendly Fae nudge to write this article after receiving a disturbing message from a mutual new friend. She had been informed that ‘unwitting cult survivors who publicly share their testimonies risk having their MK-Ultra codes being sold to the highest bidder for sport triggers and bragging rights upon "successful" post-show destruction.’
The message also implied that freemasons are responsible for this atrocity. Hoping this was untrue, I mentioned it to Dawn. She was heavily targeted and abused for over a decade before figuring out how to turn the tables on the masonic looneymati bastards responsible.
Dawn’s reply:
"This is what they were doing with me, selling me to the highest bidder, for my codes and abilities. I could tell when I had been sold because the torture would change. But then when I started fighting back, no one wanted to buy me because I was too much trouble.
There was one in the beginning but he sold 'parts' of me off to others while he still owned me. That was in the very beginning before I had any idea what was going on. I was constantly exhausted because I was being used for any number of things. I was even thrown in a ring with other warriors to fight and bet on.
I'm a healer so they would use me for sex magic, they would take me into dangerous places to do missions and watch through my eyes as I did it. Used me to predict the future. After I started attacking back, the one owner sold me for what he could get but word soon got around that I was too much to handle so they stopped buying me and I was left on the market to fend for myself. Up for grabs for anyone to use.”
Inevitable cult survivor truth and reconciliation commission
After 4 years of cult survivor and cult crimes research, I have concluded that the world needs a truth and reconciliation commission to deal with the previously hidden world that is riddled with insidious ritual cult crimes, and am confident that between survivors and supporters, we will make this happen.
Given what I now know about MK code bidding, I would be inclined to keep my testimony private.
I would instead write a 3-page testimony stating the primary facts and names of alleged perpetrators - bullet points will suffice. And make sure that I have professional counselling support on hand should I need it.
Before genuine cult survivors can be heard in an inevitable truth and reconciliation commission, and compensated, law enforcement, judicial, religious and political systems need to be turned on their heads, shaken out and replaced by ethical professional, cult-free men and women. The priveleged, well-heeled, masonic and looneymati perpetrators can’t expect to live in their fragile bubble of secrecy, silence, lies, ritual abuse, debauchery, child rape, mutilation and murder forever.
How stories like Dawn White’s can assist health practitioners assist cult survivors
As we patiently wait for true justice to be served, I recommend that healers and holistic/traditional mental health practitioners read Dawn’s story to expand their understanding and knowledge base about dark occult realities. Not that you have to go there, just be aware. If a cult survivor contacts you to help them with their healing process, basic occult knowledge and understanding are imperative.
I also recommend Max Lowen’s Unbroken website for on-point interviews about cult ‘matters’, trauma healing and solutions. Max is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, torture and trafficking who went on to do her healing work and train in trauma and recovery to help other survivors and those trapped in the cycle of violence. Her 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse testimony (8 mins) about being trafficked to the Vatican is enough to collapse the entire cult system in one fell swoop.
PDN April 8, 2022 - My Ultimate Encounter with a Demonic Princess
A spirit releasement practitioner deals with a femme fatale succubus demon and unwittingly causes all hell to break loose.
Dawn’s opening words
A Particularly Bothersome Entity
As a spirit releasement practitioner for 15 years, I had been privy to a good many entities and situations. But all that training and experience couldn't have prepared me for the ultimate demonic encounter of my life.
I received a call from another practitioner who said he had a request from a client to remove a particularly bothersome entity. The client stated that others had tried to assist but backed off or had no effect. The haunting was still present and couldn't be removed.
So, I decided to give it a go. Other practitioners and mediums reported that the entity was a female, older and really stubborn. They also said she might be a witch that passed over because she had a small dog as a familiar.
I gleaned as much information from them as possible before taking a closer look, stumped as to why no one could remove the female entity along with her little ‘Toto’.
Face to Face With A Succubus
I accessed the client’s apartment building via remote viewing to see if I could find out what was going on and yep, there she was. Some had seen her as a most beautiful woman, highly seductive and persuasive, while others saw her as an old, old woman. When I first viewed her, she used both disguises on me but then I looked further and saw the shape shifter for what she was, a succubus – half human, half demon.
The practitioners were right. She was not budging. She had firmly planted herself in that spot and was not giving it up. I had no idea at the time that the client was involved in the military and being stalked. He also had ties to the music and porn industry. And I didn't know that succubi are drawn to these types of personalities or that victims are also highly mind controlled and abused from an early age. This is often what attracts the attention of these kinds of energy.
Why Few Practitioners Take on a Succubus
When I reached out to shamans, healers and other practitioners for advice on how to remove a succubus, the answers were, "you don't" and "don't get involved". They seemed either spooked or concerned, and didn't elaborate on their experiences. Having never encountered this type of demon before, I had nothing in my personal experience to either deny or confirm what they were saying.
I remote viewed again and confronted the succubus in the astral. We talked, and I thought we had come to an agreement. She would leave and not return. I told her that we would battle should she choose to renege on our agreement. But a short while later, she returned.
Article link: My Ultimate Encounter with a Demonic Princess
Masonic ‘Masters of the Universe’ behave like a crime cartel
Something else that I have learned is that ‘people of interest’ who possess impressive spiritual gifts and talents, are highly sought after by the self-appointed masonic, luciferian worshiping ‘masters of the universe’ who allegedly serve a superior group who believe they are ‘not of this world’. They blissfully decide what happens in our world and love inventing their 100-year plans which are loaded with mostly harmful and hateful manufactured ‘events’.
Sought after individuals are invited to join this ‘superior society’, on their terms of course, in exchange for wealth, power and excessive material privileges. Those who submit, lose their soul, morals and control of their lives.
If an individual refuses their lucrative offer, as Dawn White did, the powers that be go out of their way to ensure that they rue the day. In her case, the stalking and abuse went on for over a decade. How she is still alive is a miracle.
To me, this sounds like blatant extortion and abuse, but I am not a criminologist. Perhaps it’s time to conjure up new offences for the new cult crime category.
At the time of writing, Dawn received key information about why she had been so heavily targeted and stalked but has further research to do to confirm it.
Transylvanian Sunrise
If you are interested in learning more about freemasons and unelected death cult rulers who are ‘not of this world’, please read Transylvanian Sunrise by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon.
(Note: Warranted strong language ahead. Dawn became physically ill during the process of sharing her experiences with me. The perpetrators repeatedly told her that nobody would believe her - a common programming lie told to cult survivors. I believe her. )
Dawn’s unpublished information
The following passages are from our message exchanges from 2022-2025).
I learned how to fight back
I forgot to answer your question ‘and they wanted you to join’?
Yes, they had offered me riches, men, recognition, health and universal knowledge in the beginning. I told them they had nothing I wanted or that I couldn't obtain on my own without selling my soul. That was when the torture started and they asked again. I refused the offer. And more torture. But instead of joining, I went into the astral and kicked their asses, even sick and totally in ruin, I still fought and they never let up either.
Finally, I started tracking down the energy and followed it back to the ones doing it, and with all my healing power, I reversed it and sent it back to the perps. They started getting sick and dying and I hammered harder. I hated them, so there was a lot of power there.
When I got to the top of that shit pile, I creamed the one responsible and then it stopped and no others have picked up the gauntlet. I learned how to fight back and I did it with a vengeance.
I did at one point plan my suicide. The day that I was going to follow through, I woke up and by some miracle, some of the burden was lifted. I no longer felt heavy and dark as before. It was still there but not as profound, so I kept climbing until I found the one I was looking for. And I had the last word.
That was for all the ones that they tortured and my friend. And now it's for all the kids in those tunnels that cry out for their moms that are never going to get there while these bastards laugh at their anguish. Yes, they are going down. At least a good many of them.
They all know it will be to the death with me
I'm not afraid of retribution. I know it will come and I'm ready. Any time they feel froggy they can leap. And I may go down but how many can I take with me is the question. And they all know it will be to the death with me. I'm willing. So far, they aren't.
Predators don't like to get injured. It means they can't prey and feed.
I have so many skills in the astral they don't stand a chance. I can walk anywhere now and no one challenges me. They truly did create their worst nightmare in me. The ultimate warrior in the astral.
Now I gotta get plugged in to 3D and manifest it here in this realm.
So yeah, take us on a trip Linda. I'm willing to talk and tell this story to whoever will listen and for anyone it can assist.
Yahweh – Well of Dreams
The Tetragrammaton is the four-letter Hebrew theonym יהוה (transliterated as YHWH or YHVH), the name of God in the Hebrew Bible.
I have one tattoo and it's on the back of my neck in what is called the "well of dreams". It's Yahweh in Hebrew.
Yahweh insisted that I get it. It took 3 years of him convincing me to get it. He said, "They will come for the code and you must be protected. They won't be able to get past the frequency of my name."
So with that being the kicker, I branded myself with that tattoo. And at that time, I had no clue what he meant but the urgency convinced me. It was literally a couple of months after that urgent message that I became stalked.
I had the tattoo when I met with the succubus. The gods and angels know how I feel about them all. NONE of them have my trust, respect, admiration, loyalty, devotion nor do I follow their orders. We walk equally or we don't walk together. That's how I feel about them all.
He would tell me what I was eating and wearing
I had contact with a guy that raised dogs that hunted people. When he showed me what he trained them to do, I was like why would you train them to bust down doors, climb ladders and break through windows and follow a human scent, when they are " hunting" dogs. And then I figured it out.
I had communication through the computer for 7 months. He kept trying to lure me to Canada and when I said I was never coming, he cursed at me in French, called me a whore and then said in a sweet voice, keep me in your loop Dawn. He would tell me what I was eating and wearing. He scared the hell out of me and when my roommate moved in and I had someone here permanently, I told him no more. Until then I was truly afraid to do so and be alone.
They would set up cameras and microphones in my house. And then sell "my channel" to voyeurs. Then the voyeurs would contact me through the social media platform that I had for my business the coffee shop and pose as entertainers or fans to get me to converse, all the while watching me and my reaction.
They would send actors as entertainers and do shows for the voyeurs. Like a skit. I had a lot of artists stay at the house because they were literally starving artists but they were incredibly talented. Most wouldn't pay them and they would do gigs for free just to get their names out there and put a tip jar out for money for gas for the next gig and maybe even breakfast.
I treated them like royalty, I had a deep respect for such talented people who received no respect for their efforts. And played with passion.
That was the perfect opportunity for the creeps too. The messed up shit some flash mob would pull or a nasty drunk or a guy that almost rapes me and all the while voyeurs watching... I can't even shit without them watching.
Did you know that there are people out there that LOVE to watch people shit and will pay for it. What time, how much, how long, how many times...then they bet amongst themselves to any of the above.
Sell your love making and then comment on what position you were in.
Tell you which one they liked and why.
That's just the beginning.
Figuring out how not to get played
Hating them makes me weak and gives them power and they do deeds that will make me react in that manner, so they can feed.
The trick I haven't quite figured out yet is how to not get played like that.
It's a habit I gotta drop but I don't know how yet...then I go to the castle. And they get what's coming to them.
Holy Trinity - Mikael, Raphael & Yahweh
Mikael came to me about 30 years ago. He came clairaudience. I was standing in my kitchen and he said, "I am Mikael." How he pronounced it was Me Ki El. Then the next day, same place, my kitchen, I hear, " I am Raphael." And then the NEXT day, in my kitchen," I am Yahweh and I am always with you."
And that was how my destiny came to me. There are a lot of opinions on these entities. I had no idea who they were at the time but they are a trinity.
Raphael and I became close as he taught me a lot about the dark. But I became angry at him because I thought he led me to the succubi. Such a long story but Mikael was my protection.
So Clara’s last name caught my attention.
Soon after connecting with Dawn, I reached out to Clara Mikael, another advanced healer who spoke about a covid bioweapon antidote on the first Guerrilla Network News Zoom call on 12/12/2021. Clara responded to my email and shared detailed information about several obliterating attacks on her in the astral that almost ended her life. I intended to save her emails into my Fae Files but wasn’t fast enough and they disappeared. The insane level of violence that Clara somehow survived still haunts me.
(How I imagined a succubi ‘princess’ to look in the 4earthly realm. Original image - Canva)
Succubi - in hindsight
I totally think that succubi was assigned to the client. I'm not sure which school they went to but I do believe it was either Harvard or Yale. And the words and deeds of this person, were of an education of that caliber. "Normal" college people don't talk or act the way the client was acting or talking. It wasn't snobbish but they rang with discipline and focus befitting of a college of that degree. And I know they went to college.
I have no proof of that but he was well schooled in the occult, I later found out… Succubi of that distinction (high ranking) are not assigned to those outside of particular blood lines.
A renegade succubus (outside of bloodlines and cast out of the inner circle) generally attaches to people that are sexual abused but not ritually abused as in the occult.
Regular succubi get the scraps. If you can call any succubus "regular".
I haven't seen that guy for a very long time. Right after the work we parted ways. And I’m pretty sure that he was one of the tormentors. He wasn't in the military; they were following him around. And I didn't know that until much, much later in the game.
I figured that out when I met the men in black (mib). They had taken us both to a facility and I don't know how we got there but I was led into a room by 4 armed men with full gear and automatic weapons. He was already in the room. There was no furniture and it was all metal room and 2 more men fully armored up with 2 men in black. And behind a black mirror there were about 7 more mibs watching us. We hugged, said a few words that I can't recall and then I was led out again.
They were definitely not going to leave us alone. They (the military men) were very terrified of him and me together and had weapons on us at all times. The mibs were not phased by us near as much. They were more in observation mode but definitely never took their eyes off us. It seemed that together we were untouchable and very formidable. I have only ever seen pictures of him. But my protection mode is fierce for him.
I looked over at my body lying on the floor and said, ‘I’m going to need that game piece’
Response to a question from Dawn’s 2022 PDN article
I’m pretty sure I was attacked psychically. I woke up to a noise so loud in my head that I began screaming and my roommate at the time ran into my room and he said that I was screaming so loud and piercing that he could barely stand it. Somehow it broke the spell. I came to and asked him to take me to the bathroom because the room was spinning at about a hundred miles an hour, and I was losing my bodily functions.
He tried to pick me up but I went through his arms like water, so I began to try and feel my way to the bathroom with his help. I made it just in time and began to vomit, lose bladder and bowel control. My body was shutting down.
He heard me hit the floor as I tried to stand to get my clothes back on. I lay there, not able to move another muscle.
He called my brother and they both tried to get me into a car using a rug to carry me in but had to call an ambulance because like I stated, I was just like water.
It was then that I jumped out of my body and stood by a kitchen window. I looked over at my body lying on the floor and said, I’m going to need that game piece and then I re-entered my body and started vomiting again.
They shot me up with 2 vials of Valium before I stopped vomiting and passed out. But a half hour later I woke up and started again. They shot me up more Valium. I had to spend the night in the hospital because now no one could move me. They couldn’t even dress me let alone get me in a car to go home.
Fifteen hours later, I woke up for a couple of minutes. And then a couple more hours and I started to come around.
They sent me home saying it was vertigo. It wasn’t vertigo.
I was then sick in the bed for 2 years, slowly painfully recovering. It would literally take me a half hour to move my arm to get a drink of water from my bedside.
Thank heavens for my roommate. He fed me and took care of me until I could get up long enough to shower and feed myself. Which was about 3 months. But I couldn’t stay awake longer than an hour.
My roommate stayed until I could walk and work. And then he had to go, the stalking and constant harassment worked on his mind and it was in his best interest to leave. He had given all he could. I was terrified being alone but I got it too. There is only so much one can take.
I have the Athena bloodline
In my travels I found out that I have Athena bloodline in me. She can not be defeated in battle. I'm tapped in now. And oddly enough I found out yesterday that Athena was the one that cursed Medusa. So it was only fitting that I show up and remove the curse and probably why I could do it. I am part of the bloodline that laid the curse down on Medusa.
Releasing curses of old. That's what I do now. Undoing the wrongs of immature gods which frees me and them.
The awakened are super humans who carry a META GENE
I resist posting my work that I do because I like to stay low profile BUT if the awakened ones don't realize they have more gifts than just their mouths, nothing is going to change.
The abilities of those who are awakened are far more than pointing out deception. The awakened are beyond a shadow of a doubt, super human. They carry what is called the META GENE. And this is part of the reason Facebook created that world. To capture unaware humans that will not acknowledge their missing parts. Actually, they are just humans with most of their DNA intact. You see, we possess super strength, mind reading, teleportation, telekinesis, incredible healing and rejuvenation and much more. Some have more than others and to different degrees.
We all had them at one time and this is why they show movies with super heroes and they sell huge. Because somewhere inside us we know we can do those things but they have convinced us that they are fairy tales. And then they sell it back to us in movies and tech gadgets, knowing we are going to buy it because it reminds us of a time when we were whole.
The reason I got hammered after taking out this demon was because of several reasons. One, they wanted to see what I could do with my meta. Two, to record my meta and watch what triggered it. Three, to learn how and why I was still mostly in touch with it. Four, to recruit me. Five, to find what genes were responsible for my meta, extract them and use them for a super soldier program.
What they did instead was created a remembrance and a trigger for me to see what we are truly capable of. I didn't die and I didn't relent and I didn't join them.
Instead, I chose to become their nightmare. Because now if they try and kill an awakened one that knows how to travel in their realm, it makes them more dangerous and if they leave me here, then we can and do affect their plans here.
So if you are awake and aware, get your meta on and kick ass. 😁
I thank Linda Summer for inspiring me to speak about this. She has a tremendous amount of courage and is a top notch writer. Thank you again Linda Summer.
Transylvanian Sunrise
Transylvania Sunrise essentially deals with the repression of the discovery of a mysterious hidden chamber in Romania’s Bucegi Mountains and the effort to use its benefits only for a corrupt Masonic elite.
The primary character is Cezar Brad, a psychically gifted individual since birth who is regarded as the ‘gatekeeper to mysteries in Romania.’
He is approached through diplomatic channels by Signore Massini, a high ranking Mason and a director of the Bilderbergers, who are described as being ‘not of this world’ but determine which manufactured events will befall humankind under their increasingly hateful and destructive control, century after century. Massini has obvious ties to the Vatican and tremendous influence, if not outright control, of certain important positions at the Pentagon.
He has reached beyond the limits of his power with regard to the discovery in the Bucegi Mountains, an area which he wants to control. Circumstances force him to appeal to Cezar for his consent to open up this mystery. Cezar is in a tough position because he understands the evil that this man represents but also the fact that he might lose his position if he rejects his request.
What advice would I give to another practitioner if they came to me and asked, how do you handle a succubus? My response would be, you don't. Should you decide to take it on, be ready to fight for your life in ways you never imagine. And if you live to tell the story, you will have gained information and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams. It is such a rare experience that most won't believe, while a few will envy you, having no idea how hard you had to fight or how much courage you had to summon. Should you decide to fight the good fight, get ready to touch the stars and truly understand who you are and what power you hold. And how incredibly loved you are by the universe.
Dawn White, My Ultimate Encounter with a Demonic Princess
Until next time.
Source: Enough - A Tribute to Cult Survivors by Society of Fae
Thanks so much for writing this story for me Linda. And even more incredible and important, you believed me. :)
Wow! What a testimony, sadly resonant, deeply powerful. Thank you for this; may it not be erased but expanded upon!
Yes we must understand black magic, and AI programmed terrible tech, which the Death-Cult uses in unholy concert. I experience you, Jillionaire and Dawn, as more Lightwarriors deployed.
This is how we win!