Rachel 'Stansbury Dig' Vaughan thanks legendary South Australian community
The only thing stopping SAPOL from digging the sink hole at Stansbury is the Mullighan suppression order. Rachel Vaughan
Rachel Vaughan’s March 8, 2025 update:
This is my latest interview with Dale Holmes – I give a presentation with all the evidence linking my father to many crimes. As well as a chronology of the digs at the Castalloy Factory.
I have put as much info into the presentation as possible to explain the connection between my father and multiple child abductions and murders, and the reason why authorities have refused to properly investigate him.
To watch on Dale’s Rumble Channel:
To watch on my Rumble:
To watch on my Bitchute:
Links for further research:
Today Tonight 2017 Max McIntyre admission to the Beaumont children being brough to our Macklin Street Edwardstown house in the boot of a car:
Article with the above info from 2015:
Edwardstown tunnel vlog:
To download the Edwardstown tunnel PDF:
Evidence linking Alan Maxwell McIntyre to the disappearance of the Beaumont children:
Evidence linking Alan Maxwell McIntyre to the disappearance of Richard Kelvin and (Tracey) Louise Bell:
SRA conference presentation July 2023:
Glandore Boys Home evidence:
Rachel Vaughan testimony for KLA TV – 15 minutes in:
Rachel Vaughan ITNJ testimony:
Andrew McIntyre ITNJ testimony:
Shaun Attwood interview with Rachel Vaughan 2020:
Guardian Room of the Dead article:
Petition to dig at Stansbury to exhume the remains of the Beaumont children:
Follow Dale here:
Rachel Vaughan genuine links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram or Messenger. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto:
Beaumont Children Castalloy/Stansbury Dig Updates
March 1, 2025 - via Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram channel
2 March 2025 - via Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram channel
18 years of campaigning for the Stansbury sinkhole dig for the Beaumont children’s remains has finally broken through the wall of silence
Written by Rachel Vaughan
According to today’s Sunday Mail, Stansbury locals are keen for a dig at my father Alan Maxwell McIntyre’s former property at Stansbury on the Yorke Peninsula for the 3 Beaumont children.
In April 2006 I submitted my 1st statutory declaration to SA police regarding the abuse my father perpetrated against me as a child.
It has taken 18 years of campaigning by myself & two siblings Andrew & Ruth to have our father recognised as the mass murdering sadistic paedophile that he was.
The plot of land that my father once owned is lot 18 McIntyre Place. He told me as a child that the number 18 was the devils number: 6+6+6=18.
McIntyre means ‘son of a mason.’ It is not lost on me that the town name Stansbury includes the word BURY. By campaigning to have his plot of land called McIntyre Place, my father was pointing out his ‘treasures’ hidden there - the remains of his many victims. As well as his connection to freemasonry. His grandfather Joseph Wright was Grand President of the Grand Lodge. A very high up freemason.
People need to understand just how complicated a man my father was. Serial killers intentionally leave clues. The etymology and the numbers are significant. He set it up this way.
My father went by his middle name ‘Max’. The other significant individual involved in the abuse of one of my father’s victims - (Tracey) Louise Bell - was ex chief inspector of SA police & convicted paedophile GRAHAM Bennett Fraser.
Fraser was protected from prosecution for 23 years, for the abuses for which he was finally convicted in 2009. At the time of his conviction Fraser was living in Minlaton, Stansbury’s neighbouring town.
When (Tracey) Louise Bell went missing, her earrings were left on the corner of Doctors Road and South Road in HACKham, with their location ‘phoned’ in. This location sits between Maxwell Road and Graham Avenue. The Bell name was a nod to my father’s work at Telecom, & the telecommunications bunker she was trafficked through. Alexander GRAHAM BELL invented the telephone. Her first real name – Tracey – undisclosed to the public but told to me in 1983 by my father, & validated in recent years by one of her childhood friends, related to his work as a line-tapper TRACING calls.
Today’s Sunday Mail article on the case is on page 18.
Additional Links
Proof of the telecommunications bunker at Macklin Street Edwardstown: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yYMvKMc7tzz3
March 1, 2025
Rachel Vaughan comment: I heard last night that Simone was keen for a dig and that our brother Danny is not happy about it! Danny knows a lot. Simone has been mind controlled to believe there is nothing in the sink hole. Poor thing, she's going to get the shock of her life. She allowed our scumbag of a father live at her home, with her girls 😔 I tried so hard to warn her.
Julia Question - Does she think it will rule it out. What does she think about your stories (if that's the right word) about your Dad?
Rachel Answer: She has this weird hysterical reaction - she always says she would know, because she was molested by 11 people when she was a kid. It's pretty sad. I do feel for her. This would be a nightmare for her. Mind you she is getting money offered for interviews and I know that would be a big motivation for her. I'm not judging as such. I just know that would be a motivation.
EZ Question: Hi Rachel, I reported that there would likely be a lot of pushback on the dig due to the suppression order with regard to The Mulligan Enquiry (I thought I read that on here). Will do a correction video if I didn’t get that right.
Rachel Answer: Interestingly, the fact that the MSM is reporting on this seems to indicate that the suppression order may not stop the dig. Technically the govt can’t stop it on those grounds - the Beaumont children are outside the terms of reference of that inquiry, and they want people to believe that there are no bodies there whatsoever, so to speak against the dig will only prove there are state wards there. The major crime detective who told Andrew about the suppression order preventing the dig as far as SAPOL are concerned, and tying their hands, deserves a medal. This has basically blown up in the politicians’ faces! But don’t feel you have to amend your post. You have a good point. It just surprisingly looks like the dig is going forward.
Tony Question: Why do you think Rachel this whole thing has come to the surface all of a sudden???
Rachel Answer: The Castalloy dig brought out an army of frustrated warriors who spoke out for those children, on countless online sites, some held a placard at the Castalloy site. Others wrote emails, articles, posts, shared those. There was a groundswell of support. The authorities know how many people are aware of the corruption now. The cat’s out of the bag. I think the Castalloy dig was designed to sell a program, sell more books, and then put it all to rest prior to the 60th anniversary next year. But it has backfired!
28 February 2025
**Update: Rachel Vaughan has since confirmed that a friend put in a submission for the article to be corrected.
Channel 7 News must correct its blatant error about Harry ‘Satin Man’ Phipps being the previous owner of the Stansbury property. It was owned by the protected, masonic ASIO operative, blackmailer, pedophile child rapist and serial killer Allan Maxwell McIntyre. The Mulligan suppression order clause must be overturned so the Stansbury sinkhole can be meticulously investigated by a qualified and experienced SA Police forensics team.
Channel 7 News article: https://7news.com.au/news/beaumont-hopes-revitalised-after-cosi-costello-offers-to-fund-a-new-search-at-a-different-south-australian-location-c-17868179
27 February 2025
27 February 2025
Written by Rachel Vaughan
With regard to my previous post (above) and today’s Advertiser 27th Feb 2025 article which indicates that things are finally moving forward for a dig at Stansbury for the three Beaumont children:
In the article and in Cosi’s FB post he stated that he will fund a dig if it can be conducted legally - In 2020 the dept of land water and environment placed an order on the land at McIntyre Place Stansbury where the Beaumont children are buried.
This means that there must be no blocked access to the beach. My family members who own the Stansbury property have no say in this dig. The area of land where the sink hole is situated is public access and is currently under government control. Even the locked gate at the front of the property is illegally placed - that is a government road and cannot be kept from public access.
Please be aware that the current owners have been extremely hostile in the past. Also take note that this dig needs to be conducted forensically.
Police officer Tristan at Stansbury told my brother Andrew McIntyre today that he doesn’t want Andrew causing trouble for himself or his people in Stansbury. Andrew is sick of being treated like a criminal – Andrew was over there taking photos for a reporter who works for the Advertiser.
I am sharing again my NewsTreason interview which streamed on Mon Feb 23rd 2025, as it explains much of what is going on atm as well as some of the history of my father's criminality - including the hostility of the family members who own the Stansbury property. And the trolls who work with them.
Plus the fact that yet ANOTHER of my family members 'suicided' on the 20th of Dec 2024 - during the summer solstice. This family member once owned my childhood Edwardstown home and sold it within 3 weeks of my International Tribunal for Natural Justice interview coming out in 2018 - where I disclosed the information about the bunker and tunnels beneath that property.
That suicided family member lived for exactly 606 months - 18 446 days. What are the chances?
There have been MANY unexplained deaths and 'suicides' in my family. Including my sister Clare who was witness to what happened to the Beaumont children on the day they went missing.
They need inquests. Every single one of them.
25 February 2025
Written by Rachel Vaughan, 25 February 2025
Huge gratitude to the young women who held up this placard at the Castalloy site yesterday asking for a dig at Stansbury!
I hear you were accosted by a ‘retired cop’ involved in the dig – that would have taken a lot of guts. You are angels.
These are the true ‘champions’ for the Beaumont children, not the abusive ex cop who self described himself a champion in a recent Advertiser article.
Castalloy dig is nothing but a diversion
Written by Rachel Vaughan, 25 February 2025
I am sharing again a comparison between my father Alan Maxwell McIntyre who has long been a person of interest in the Beaumont disappearance, & an identikit of a person of interest in the case.
I am also sharing a comparison between Castalloy factory owner Harry Phipps & this identikit.
In a certain book, the picture of Phipps has deliberately been narrowed down to serve a ‘theory’. This is not journalism. This is diversion.
Today’s Advertiser appears to already be acceding defeat over this latest THIRD dig at the Castalloy factory for the remains of Jane, Arnna and Grant Beaumont – the front page reads: ‘Beaumont Dig Fail – Old cops doubt on search site as ‘slab’ find dismissed.’
My brother Andrew McIntyre was at the Castalloy site today educating people on what actually happened to the Beaumont children. Andrew is one of the few living witnesses to what happened to them in 1966 on the day they went missing.
Our father famously told a journalist in 2015 ON CAMERA that Andrew’s childhood rapist, thrice convicted paedophile Anthony Munro brought the children to our Edwardstown home deceased in the boot of a car. That footage aired in 2017 after his death. This Castalloy dig is nothing but a diversion:
It is proven that the man on the beach IS NOT Bevan Spencer Von Einem
Written by Rachel Vaughan, 25 February 2025
I think it is a good idea to share again this information regarding the person on the beach during the search for the Beaumont children. In order to get ahead of the main stream media changing focus to Von Einem AGAIN once this most recent Castalloy dig is proven another red herring.
It is proven that the man on the beach IS NOT Bevan Spencer Von Einem. His name is Brian M. The photos that we have of him were taken with thrice convicted paedophile Anthony Munro’s camera during a trip with convicted paedophile John Pike.
Both Pike and Munro were very close friends of my paedophile father Alan Maxwell McIntyre.
In 2024 I was compensated for the paedophilic abuse my father perpetrated against me in childhood.
The following 20 minute vlog describes much of this evidence:
February 26, 2025
Written by Rachel Vaughan
My brother Andrew McIntyre made it into the Advertiser today. This Castalloy farce seems close to an end.
True to form the Advertiser has trotted out AGAIN the already disproven Von Einem theory–I posted to get ahead of this yesterday. Same old playbook 😒
Forensic facial mapping expert Kenneth Linge proved in 2009 that Von Einem was NOT the man on the beach during the search for the Beaumont children. My brother Andrew produced the photograph of Brian M who is clearly the man on the beach. See the proof in my post yesterday: https://t.me/RachelVaughan/2469
Advertiser pp5: ‘Alan Anthony Munro’ (wrong – his name is Anthony Alan Munro): ‘Munro, a convicted paedophile is primarily linked to the Beaumont case through his association with Max McIntyre & the claims of Max’s son Andrew McIntyre.’
‘In a signed statement given to police in 2017, Mr McIntyre said his father, Max, & Munro were involved in the abduction, murder & disposal of the Beaumont children. Munro, 83, pleaded guilty to 10 child sex offences committed against Andrew McIntyre & another boy between 1965 & 1983.’
‘Andrew has spoken publicly about how his father & Munro, a family friend, were at Glenelg beach in the days before Jane, Arnna & Grant Beaumont disappeared.’
‘Andrew told media he kept a diary, with another boy, which supported his claims – which was handed to SA police. However, police have previously said there is no evidence linking Max McIntyre & Munro to the high-profile disappearance.’
Actually there is a mountain of evidence, not least of all my father’s confession that Munro brought the deceased Beaumont children to our Edwardstown home in the boot of a car:
Amusingly the end of article makes scathing remarks about ‘dubious’ theories put forward by fantasists like ‘psychics’. Was that for me? 😆
February 26, 2025
Written by Rachel Vaughan
Community involvement makes a massive difference in cases like this.
Yesterday I posted about the brave young women who held up a placard at the Castalloy site saying ‘Dig Up Stansbury’ – for which they were abused by an ex-cop involved with the dig.
Today I received this image of the Community board at Mannum!
Similarly I have received countless accounts of individuals sharing posts & links to the real evidence linking my father Alan Maxwell McIntyre to this case. Beneath main stream media articles, on social media, via members of parliament, as well as on a particular Facebook site, the author of which emotively uses as his icon a picture of the Beaumont Children’s parents Jim and Nancy, in the grip of their despair.
For their daring many have been banned from these sites.
These are the legends – the true champions for these children. The only way the suppression order on the Mullighan Inquiry will be overturned is through pressure from the community. As I have stated many times previously, my brother Andrew McIntyre was told by a major crime detective last year that the only thing stopping SAPOL from digging the sink hole at Stansbury is that suppression order.
We have tried everything to sway authorities, including a petition – which has amassed over 36 200 signatures, but the petition has been suppressed & is not easily searchable.
Please know that your efforts – however small you may think they are – are making a huge difference.
Local, National and International Media Coverage excludes Stanbury sinkhole information
ABC Radio Adelaide
Emeritus professor of anatomy, Maciej Henneberg, an eminent archaeologist, is leading the dig in search for the Beaumont children's remains at the former Castalloy foundry site at North Plympton.
Henneberg said to Sonya & Jules, "We are using the method of geological soil profiling".
"We then use techniques that are used in excavating paleontological sites".
Link: https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/adelaide-breakfast/beaumont-children-dig/104964416
The New Daily - 24 February, 2025
Independent state MP Frank Pangallo has organised the privately-funded dig. He said someone close to the family told him that Phipps’ niece married a cousin of the children’s father, Jim, in the years after they vanished.
“That hasn’t been previously known and it’s another link in this case that shows Mr Phipps could have known the Beaumont kids and the family,” he told the Adelaide Advertiser.
“It’s another piece of circumstantial evidence that points to [him] being the prime suspect.”
Pangallo was joined at the site in North Plympton by forensic archaeologist Maciej Henneberg, author Stuart Mullins and former South Australian detective Bill Hayes.
Large earthmoving equipment started preliminary excavation work at the northern end of the government-owned site, which is about to be sold for development.
Link: https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/news/state/sa/2025/02/24/beaumont-children-castalloy-dig
Shock new link?
Notable comment from masonic pedophile child victim Janette
Is ‘Harry’ Phipps a masonic scapegoat?
In the Freemason club. Is Hayes a Freemason? Is Pangallo a Freemason? They always have the concept and action of a 'Scapegoat'. Frederick Henry 'Harry' Phipps is obviously their choice in this matter as 'their' scapegoat. There were large paedophile rings in South Australia, operating in the 1960's. I am victim and witness to these vile activities. All my reports to SAPOL have not been acted on, my career destroyed, death threats etc.
My maternal side goes back to 1849 in South Australia including Master Masons who actually built a lot of buildings but also became leaders in Freemasonry. My real father, only revealed to me in 2021, by my mother on her deathbed, was Milton Bruce Harris. My mother also said to me in her revelations "she thought they were going to kill me". I believe she was present at some of my abuse, as young as 3 or younger in 1962/3.
My adopted father Neville Mackenzie Stevens was sadistic and he took me to wealthy people and big houses to be abused. I have reason to believe he was paid. He also did this to my half brother Kenneth James Lay RIP, in the 1950's, he met my mother in Adelaide in 1955.
Janette’s comment was posted on 24 February 2025 in response to the article below which includes unreported information about the Stansbury sinkhole dig on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula, a property formerly owned by Rachel and Andrew’s father Alan Maxwell McIntyre.
Police investigations into the Stansbury sinkhole allegations are being blocked by an odd, flimsy, clause in the 80-year Mullighan suppression order which protects over 700 listed pedophiles, courtesy of former SA Premier Mike Rann and Attorney General Michael Atkinson:
Once a civilisation accepts pedophilia, it falls. Quickly. That’s the way satanists have made past civilisations fall.
Daryl James – ex-US Military (Journey to Truth podcast)
Until next time.
maybe someone should start a petition while the current dig is happening and its fresh in peoples mind. a lot of people would sign it at the moment