SA Police blocked from crucial Beaumont children murder investigations
An odd clause in Adelaide's Mullighan 80-year suppression order must be overturned to allow SA police to do their job.
This article provides an update on recent developments concerning the 59 year old Beaumont children case and a list of books that have been written about it.
On February 9, 2025, the Sunday Mail newspaper reported that Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont's niece has asked for a coronial inquiry into the disappearance of the children. The reporting journalist named Harry Phipps as a suspect.
Sunday Mail image courtesy of Rachel Vaughan via her Telegram Channel
26 February Castalloy Dig Update
Written by Rachel Vaughan
Huge gratitude to the young women who held up this placard at the Castalloy site yesterday asking for a dig at Stansbury!
I hear you were accosted by a ‘retired cop’ involved in the dig – that would have taken a lot of guts. You are angels.
These are the true ‘champions’ for the Beaumont children, not the abusive ex cop who self described himself a champion in a recent Advertiser article
Rachel Vaughan genuine links:
26 February 2025
Written by Rachel Vaughan
Community involvement makes a massive difference in cases like this.
Yesterday I posted about the brave young women who held up a placard at the Castalloy site saying ‘Dig Up Stansbury’ – for which they were abused by an ex-cop involved with the dig.
Today I received this image of the Community board at Mannum!
Third dig at Castalloy site is not supported by evidence
SA Best politician turned Independent MP Frank Pangallo has organised a third privately funded dig at the Castalloy site in the Adelaide suburb of North Plympton, formerly owned by dead murder suspect Harry Phipps. The last Castalloy dig in 2018 cost the taxpayer $250,000 and yielded nothing but animal bones.
The third dig is set to start on Monday, February 24, 2025 (but commenced on Feb 22). ABC News reported that SA Police are of the view that the individuals conducting the excavation are following a theory that they believe is not supported by evidence and police will monitor the search as it proceeds.
A 6-part ‘true crime’ documentary series ‘The Hunters’ will feature the authors of Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children and other commentators in Channel 7’s premiere episode on Sunday, February 23, 2025. Good luck with the ratings, Kerry Stokes. From what I have been hearing, Stokes is desperately trying to keep his flailing network afloat and has sacked some of his best, brightest and most expensive trophies in his cost-cutting flurry.
Perhaps Australia could merge the three flailing commercial networks to make way for a new network. Taxpayers should not be expected to carry incompetent businesses. Many sage TV folksters from the good old days when the idiot box was still entertaining and informative, support this wild notion.
SA Police acknowledge that Allan Maxwell McIntyre’s former properties need to be investigated
Before moving on to the book reviews, Adelaide cult survivors Rachel Vaughan and Andrew McIntyre have widely unreported and often discredited Beaumont children information to share with the community. It would be bias of me to exclude them and focus solely on the media’s preferred narrative about circumstantial evidence that points to Adelaide’s elitist alleged pedophile, ‘Satin Man’ Harry Phipps (now dead), as being the most likely murderer.
Rachel Vaughan’s May 2023 Having a Mulligan Telegram post stated that SA Police Major Crime detectives had recently confirmed with her brother Andrew McIntyre that they know their father Allan Maxwell McIntyre was involved in the disappearance and murders of Jane, Arnna and Grant Beaumont, but cannot investigate his 2 former properties for victim remains because of the Mullighan Inquiry Suppression Order.
Having a Mulligan
Written by Rachel Vaughan
There is a golfing term known as ‘having a Mulligan’ – which is ‘widely recognised and accepted in the world of golf. It is used to describe a ‘do-over or a second chance to replay a shot, usually without incurring a penalty.’
As I have posted on this platform before, a major crime detective recently admitted to my brother Andrew McIntyre that Adelaide’s major crime department KNOWS our father was involved in the disappearance and murders of the 3 Beaumont children. But they cannot investigate my father’s 2 former properties for the remains of his victims because of the suppression order on the Mullighan Inquiry.
The Mullighan Inquiry involved the deaths and disappearances in custody of South Australian state wards. The Beaumont disappearance is outside the terms of reference of that inquiry. Proving our father’s involvement in the disappearance, sex-trafficking, and murders of an unknown number of state wards. As my siblings and I have been alleging for the past 18 years.
Satanists love to play on words – it’s called spell casting. They are also obsessed with names, and often use them in their efforts to control the population.
Apart from the golfing analogy already mentioned here, there is also a game called Go. As a child, my brother Andrew was witness to adults playing the game of Go at the main Freemason Lodge on North Terrace in Adelaide. Andrew would always be drugged for these forays. Andrew believes they were playing other 'games' with children at that location.
Satanists like to play games at the expense of those who are not ‘in the club.’
The Mullighan Inquiry was an opportunity for Adelaide’s elite paedophiles and psychopaths to ‘have a Mulligan’ – to clear the playing board and avoid penalty.
And it worked. To date, as far as I am aware, only two convictions have occurred in relation to that inquiry – despite the naming of hundreds of perpetrators.
The decades long suppression order on the Mullighan inquiry is preventing investigations into COUNTLESS felonies perpetrated against South Australian children. As well as keeping many patsies in jail to cover for the true perpetrators.
We need to obliterate these suppression orders that prevent investigation into serious crimes against children. Otherwise, these heinous acts will continue, and the criminals who perpetrate them will remain in power.
Once a civilisation accepts pedophilia, it falls. Quickly. That’s the way satanists have made past civilisations fall.
Daryl James – ex-US Military (Journey to Truth podcast)
Beaumont Children Book Reviews
The internet is awash with articles and podcasts about the abduction and likely murder of Jane (9), Arrna (7) and Grant (4) Beaumont on January 26, 1966. A collection of books have also been written but from what I have gleaned from some of the rather harsh reviews, it seems that only four of them qualify as actual books.
Here is a list of publications together with ratings and selected reviews from Goodreads and Amazon. I have only read Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children and provide a brief review at the end.
Searching for the Beaumont Children: Australia's Most Famous Unsolved Mystery
by Alan Whiticker assisted by researcher Stuart Mullins (January 2010)
A comprehensive account of the disappearance of the Beaumont children and the subsequent investigations.
Average Ratings
Goodreads: 3.63 out of 5
Amazon: 4.6 out of 5
Goodreads Reviews
Amazon Reviews
The Satin Man: Uncovering the Mystery of the Missing Beaumont Children
by Alan Whiticker with Stuart Mullins (May 2013)
The Satin Man follows on from Whiticker’s first book which unearthed fresh leads that were ‘skeptically received’ until a woman contacted the authors with a ‘remarkable’ possible suspect. She believed that her former father-in-law, prominent Adelaide businessman Harry Phipps, alleged to have a fetish for satin, may have been involved in the children's disappearance.
Average Ratings
Goodreads: 3.62 out of 5
Amazon: 4.5 out of 5
Goodreads Reviews
Amazon Reviews
(Only 3 reviews listed)
The Missing Beaumont Children
by Michael Madigan (December 2015)
Author Michael Madigan delves into the sordid world of the numerous 'persons of interest' that have at times been suspects in this case and forensically answers the question 'who could do such a thing?'
Average Ratings
Goodreads: 3.76 out of 5
Amazon: 3.9 out of 5
Goodreads Reviews
Amazon Reviews
Mrs. Beaumont You and Your Children were Betrayed: The most infamous child abduction in the world
by Malcolm Houseman (August 2016 - Kindle Edition only)
The true crime story of the most infamous child abduction in Australia, the Beaumont Children. The three young children went missing from the beach on Australia Day 1966 and have never been seen since.
Average Ratings
Goodreads: 1.44 out of 5 (No reviews)
Amazon: 2.3 out of 5
Amazon Reviews
(1 review)
Note: On February 13, 2025, a friend shared a screenshot of a Facebook comment by author Malcolm Houseman who made various alarming but unsubstantiated claims that I won’t re-share out of respect for Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont’s side of the family. If Houseman can prove his allegations, then he should report them to SA Police.
The Missing Beaumont Children
Written by Janet Horn, Narrated by Elizabeth Rose Glazener (June 2017 - Audible Audiobook – Unabridged)
The Beaumont children case would remain a mystery for over 50 years as different serial killers would claim responsibility for the disappearance.
Average Ratings
Goodreads: 3.24 out of 5
Amazon: 3 out of 5
Goodreads Reviews
Amazon Reviews
What Happened to the Beaumont Children?: The Unsolved Disappearance of Jane, Arnna and Grant Beaumont from Glenelg Beach in South Australia
by Leah A. Frazier (July 2021 - Kindle Edition only)
The chilling story of the Beaumont children’s disappearance drew national attention, caused a change in Australian parenting practices, and 55 years later sadly remains one of the country’s best-known unsolved missing persons case.
Average Ratings
Goodreads: Not listed
Amazon: 2.3 out of 5
Amazon Reviews
(1 review)
Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children
by Stuart Mullins and Bill Hayes (March 2023)
Authors Stuart Mullins, Joe Bugner and former South Australian police detective Bill Hayes expose Harry Phipps as the prime suspect in the abduction, disappearance, and likely murder of the Beaumont children.
Average Ratings
Goodreads: 3.96 out of 5
Amazon: 4.3 out of 5
Goodreads Reviews
Amazon Reviews
Adelaide cult survivor Rachel Vaughan’s response to using alleged pedophile Alan Jones to promote Unmasking the Killer
15 February 2025
Using an alleged paedophile to sell your book is not a smart move.
It certainly doesn’t scream integrity. Especially when your book is attempting to vilify another alleged paedophile, Harry Phipps.
The allegations against former school teacher Jones emerged publicly in '23–of nearly 2 decades of alleged abuse.
Harry Phipps’ son never saw the deceased Beaumont children. My two siblings Clare & Ruth saw them. Clare paid the ultimate price for trying to speak out–she was murdered/hung in 2009. Now a common mode of death in my family. Those who try to speak out suddenly ‘suicide’. On significant dates.
My brother Andrew was witness to events on the day of the Beaumont disappearance, as well as events leading up to their abduction. As evidenced by a Salvage and Expedition diary corroborating several persons of interest who visited Glenelg beach in the days & weeks leading up to the children’s disappearance. Including our father Alan Maxwell McIntyre & now thrice convicted paedophile Anthony Munro.
I was paid victim of crime compensation in 2024 for the child rape crimes my father perpetrated against me in childhood, proving he too was a paedophile.
My father admitted on camera in 2015 that Anthony Munro brought the deceased Beaumont children to our Edwardstown family home on the day they went missing in 1966.
The 2nd screen grab in this post is what the author of that FB page has been saying about my siblings. This is libellous & untrue.
Revolting things are said about me on that page also – despite the fact that I am a recognised & compensated victim of paedophilic crime. Andrew is also a recognised & compensated victim of paedophila.
I will not stand & allow such individuals to paint themselves as hero’s whilst myself & brave siblings are publicly denigrated.
Jillionaire’s thoughts about Satin Man aka Harry Phipps
I first heard about the Satin Man aka Harry Phipps via Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram channel, alongside the long running petition to dig the sinkhole on her serial killer father’s Yorke Peninsula Stansbury property where the Beaumont children, and many other children’s bodies, were allegedly dumped along with caustic acid. I was up to my neck in vampiric, masonic, pedophile research at the time and it wasn’t until May 2023 that I ventured into Satin Man’s world.
I was able to glean enough about author Alan Whiticker and Stuart Mullins’ book The Satin Man: Uncovering the Mystery of the Missing Beaumont Children from articles and reviews. It focuses on Adelaide’s local factory owner and elitist socialite Harry Phipps who allegedly had a fetish for satin and died in 2004. Whiticker used a pseudonym, for fear of being sued but Phipps was named soon after publication of his book by his estranged son Haydn who accused him of sexual abuse/sodomy from ages three to thirteen. Hadyn also claimed that he saw the Beaumont children in his backyard on the day they were reported missing.
In 2018, Haydn’s younger brother Wayne Phipps proclaimed his late father’s innocence, telling News Corporation’s Advertiser reporter Nigel Hunt that the claims made about his father by his older, ‘mentally-ill’ brother were wrong.
Haydn’s statement about seeing the children in his backyard was made to a former fraud detective-turned-private investigator Bill Hayes, but according to Nigel Hunt, it remains uncorroborated.
Hunt also reported that Wayne Phipps became aware of the allegations in 2007 and despite investigations, Major Crime detectives have found no evidence to corroborate Haydn’s claims or any other evidence to link Harry to the abductions.
I read Stuart Mullins’ reply to Nigel Hunt’s article on a website called but it is no longer accessible. If you care to pay for a subscription to The Advertiser, you can read it there: Beaumont children mystery: Harry Phipps’ angry son says his father did not kill the children (Feb 18, 2018).
Media support for Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children
The book Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children captured my attention in May 2023 when somebody in Rachel’s chat group mentioned that authors Stuart Mullins and Bill Hayes had an extensive interview (85 minutes) on Adelaide’s ‘premier’ albeit only commercial talkback radio station 5AA.
Great to see such generous support for local authors on commercial radio but it was concerning to learn that Adelaide’s once competitive talkback radio scene had been scaled back so drastically. Murdoch media monopoly in a small town ain’t a good thing.
5AA Trivia
Oblivious to Australia’s dreary, increasingly sanitised media scene since the late 90s, I looked up the owner of 5AA and discovered that it was Nova Entertainment, parented by private investment company Illyria, founded by Lachlan Murdoch in 2005. Illyria acquired its first Australian FM license in 2000 which became Nova 96.9 in Sydney.
In March 2024, 5AA announced its ‘refreshed brand identity’.
“Built upon the new tagline of Always Adelaide, the new direction celebrates the ‘AA’ branding by evolving the positioning on from the previous Talking Adelaide strapline.” (Mumbrella)
Forgive me for thinking of Alcoholics Anonymous. I worked at 5KA Broadcasters on Currie Street (now Triple M) for a short but action-packed time in 88/89 and the booze flowed like a raging torrent. But then came two, massive, overnight bullet blasts through the floor-to-ceiling window facing the alleyway on 5KA’s ground floor. Never investigated or resolved. So Adelaide. A sordid story for another day.
Illyria Trivia
Known as Illyria the Merciless and the God-King of the Primordium, Illyria was one of the Old Ones, the powerful pure demons that ruled Earth during the Primordium Age. To never die… And to conquer all. That is winning. (Buffyverse Wiki.)
Good one Locky.
Illyrian king or noble. Sketch by David Boquelet
Like father like son? Rupert & Lachlan Murdoch. (Image - The Independent)
Brief review of Unmasking the Killer of the Beaumont Children
I placed an order for Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children from my local library. Upon collection, the librarian flinched when he saw the cover. Turns out he was playing in the same area as the Beaumont children when they disappeared on Australia Day in 1966. He said his parents never let him go out alone again and they later packed up and left town. (If only he knew that several pages had reddish splatterings on them. I pointed out the pages upon returning the book and was assured the book would be pulped and replaced.)
One of the book’s chapters focused on the Mullighan Inquiry and I wondered if Ki Meekins rated a mention. Ki is a former state ward of South Australia turned trailblazing child protection hero. Alongside his equally heroic lawyer, he played a pivotal role in forcing Premier Mike Rann’s reluctant hand to agree to an inquiry into hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse and deaths of children in state care. I eagerly scanned through the Mullighan chapter but alas, there was no sign of Ki. (Ki published his book Red Tape Rape in 2008. Read the review by Professor Bob Moles. )
Expecting the book to start with the missing Beaumont children, I was instead met with rather longwinded and self-congratulatory author biographies that would have been better placed at the end. The repetitive nature of the book should also have been addressed by the editor. Otherwise, the authors and their various experts attempted to leave no stone unturned in relation to nailing Harry Phipps and have provided a detailed argument as to why they are all in agreeance that Harry Phipps is the most likely murder suspect in the Beaumont case.
The book’s opening chapters tripped back to the carefree 1960s Adelaide before the Beaumont children tragedy cast a hellish shadow over ‘Jim’ and Nancy Beaumont for the rest of their lives, and of course their surviving family members and friends. The case would prove to be a stubborn black cloud that simply wouldn’t go away.
I also realised how little I knew about the case apart from scant memories of worrying about the children when I saw the TV news stories about their disappearance, and subsequent reports over the ensuing decades that always amounted to nothing. It was just as sad to revisit the abduction of Joanne Radcliffe and Kirsty Gordon from Adelaide Oval on 25 August 1973 and also recall the horror days of the 80s when the satanic murder spree of more children blared its way through the media headlines, hitting break-point when ‘celebrity son’ Richard Kelvin was reported missing. The authors also described Jane, Arrna and Grant as ‘latchkey kids* so they which made them easy targets for lurking pedophile groomers.
Curious to find out where Harry Phipps’ alleged satin fetish came from, the authors claim that it probably stemmed from his childhood and a mother who wished she had a daughter instead of a son. To compensate, she played make-believe daughter games by dressing Harry in satin dresses. How sad for a child to be forced to change genders to compensate for a parent’s selfish disappointment. Is this why there are so many historical photos of young aristocratic boys wearing dresses? Disappointed mothers?
The authors also support the 80 year suppression order: ‘We feel confident that the public of South Australia can rest assured that the suppression order was made for good and not to protect paedophiles.’
Brief overview of murder suspects
Overall, Unmasking the Killer is worth reading. The process of writing a book and seeing it through to publication is a mammoth task, so credit to all involved for getting it over the finish line.
The following passages provide a brief recap of the possible Beaumont children murder suspects. Also helpful for people who don’t read books:
‘With Percy, von Einem, Brown, O’Neill, and Munro, no-one fits the age range, and two fit the facial description: Arthur Stanley Brown and Harry Phipps. Of the two, only Phipps was known to tip and hand out pound notes.
Over the decades, the Beaumont case continues to elicit strong, in some cases, very opinionated views of ‘whodunnit’. Many people have their theories and they are sticking to them. Quite a few vehemently believe that Anthony Munro and his cohort Max McIntyre are involved and the bodies are buried in a now filled in sink hole on McIntyre’s property on the Yorke Peninsula.
Others believe that Arthur Stanley Brown is responsible because he bears a resemblance to the man seen with the children that day in the street. Then there is talk of the ‘von Einem family murders’, a series of homosexual killings in the 1970s and 1980s. One theory held that this was the work of an Adelaide predatory group of influential people and that von Einem was involved with others who took part in paedophilic activities.
The allegations are based on information that was neither first hand or corroborated, but this talk about an elite, well connected Adelaide paedophile society remains strong. Adelaide had a hidden dark side, as noted in Sean Fewster’s book City of Evil: The Truth About Adelaide’s Strange and Violent Underbelly.’
*Latchkey Kids
I didn’t know what a ‘latchkey kid’ was until I moved into a flat near my primary school in Walkerville in the mid 90s when I returned live in Adelaide after about 4 years in Sydney. My neighbour was a friendly elderly gentleman called Reg who used to be the gardener for the Kelvin family. Rob Kelvin was a popular newsreader at NWS Channel 9. His son Richard went missing in 1983 and his body was later found by a geologist named Trevor Holmes who was collecting moss rocks near One Tree Hill north of Adelaide.
Reg told me that ‘Richie’ would often visit him and burst into tears because he felt so lonely at home. He also wore a spiked collar around his neck. The busy celebrity lifestyle consumed a lot of Rob and Betteanne’s time which is commonplace in the media and entertainment industry where divorce rates are also high. Reg comforted Richard as best he could during those visits and spoke well of the heartbroken Kelvin family.
Latchkey Kid Definition:
The term latchkey kid became commonplace in the 1970s and 1980s to describe members of Generation X who, according to a 2004 marketing study, "went through its all-important, formative years as one of the least-parented, least-nurtured generations in U.S. history."
Latchkey kids were prevalent during this time, a result of increased divorce rates and increased maternal participation in the workforce at a time before childcare options outside the home were widely available.[6][7][8][9]
These latchkey children, referred to as "day orphans" in the 1984 documentary, To Save Our Children to Save Our Schools, mainly came from middle or upper-class homes. The higher the educational attainment of the parents, the higher the odds the children of this time would be latchkey kids.[10][11]
Rachel Vaughan and Andrew McIntyre’s forthcoming books
One day you will read Rachel Vaughan and Andrew McIntyre’s books about being raised in a parallel death cult and their horrific, child-murder-drenched childhoods. Their information about the Beaumont children forms just a small part of a mammoth story.
Some of the things I have learned since 2020 from Rachel and Andrew’s interviews and posts include:
Rachel’s memories of being raped when she was 3 years old, being used by her father in the 70s and 80s as a child honey pot and sex trafficked through Adelaide’s extensive tunnel system (that doesn’t exist, of course).
Rachel’s father filming her having sex with willing and unwilling adults for blackmail purposes in both the tunnels and NWS Channel 9’s Tynte Street studios in North Adelaide where she was also forced to witness ‘after hours’ child snuff films being made. (This revelation sickened and floored me, as I worked at NWS Channel 9 in the 80s.)
How Rachel (and many other children) was forced her to kill other children or face her own death.
8 Macklin Street, Edwardstown still has remains of humans there. Andrew McIntyre stated that his father Allan Maxwell McIntyre said the police will get a shock when they dig the well.
Being forced to watch bodies being chopped up at home in the bathroom and wrap them up in newspaper to be incinerated.
Suffering damaging medical experiments by Frankensteinian psychopaths posing as doctors.
Witnessing horrific crimes against too many other children and carrying a heavy burden of guilt because Rachel was not able to save them.
TV stations being a hotbed of child rape and child rape material because they create it there. (Several other Australian cult survivor testimonials include similar horrific allegations, including ritualistic child murders on television studio sets. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is alleged to have one of the worst hidden histories of pedophilia crimes.)
High level cover-up of the reality of satanic ritual sex abuse (SRA) of children and mis-using the media to discredit genuine survivor testimonials via false ‘satanic panic’ narratives.
News Corporation quietly removes Journalist Bryan Littley’s work about the Beaumont children
May 2017
“We all hold hope that the Beaumont case can be solved but I guess for me, I’m driven a little bit by the fear that I might actually have something that if I don't pass it on, it won't be solved.” Bryan Littley - Today Tonight (Adelaide), Allan Maxwell McIntyre breaks his silence on the 'Beaumont Killings'
January 24, 2021
Facebook post on ‘Rachel Vaughan’s Beaumont children murder claims against Max McIntyre’ page:
‘News Corporation has quietly removed a large portion of Bryan Littley's work regarding The Beaumont Children from circulation. The now ex-journalist previously made a raft of sensational claims, evolving over several years, for which there was no evidence.
The unprofessional and manipulative nature of Littley's reporting has been addressed by the ABC's Media Watch and in a statement released by police. Regarding his exploitation of the Beaumont Children Bryan Littley has rationalized online that "conflict is the basis of news" while running an abusive commentary toward those seeking justification for his claims…’
Mullighan suppression order clause hindering further police investigations in the Beaumont children case
In closing, I am sharing an exchange between myself and Rachel Vaughan regarding the clause in the Mullighan Inquiry that is preventing SA Police from investigating Allen Maxwell McIntyre’s two properties in Stansbury and Edwardstown. Apparently the Stansbury property has since been sold and Rachel’s niece was murdered on December 20, 2024.
October 5, 2024
Me: One thing I'm not clear about is what the Mullighan suppression order has to do with the Beaumont children and how that is stopping the police from investigating the 2 properties.
Rachel: The Mullighan suppression order must have some sort of 'do not investigate burial places of state wards' clause or something like that. The major crime detective who told my brother Andrew that the Stansbury property cannot be investigated said blatantly that this was the reason why the Beaumont children's remains have not been exhumed.
My sister Ruth has long testified that there are also 3 state wards in that sink hole with the Beaumont children. I saw what looked to be about 50 (I couldn’t count that high at age 5) small, child sized skulls in a cave/sink hole beneath that property. There is so much there. That's enough already, but the authorities will also have to take into consideration the old telecommunications bunker under the main shed where my father must have kept much of his treasures (many of which my brother Danny burned on the day our father died - Danny knows all about that bunker - he took me down there once.)
There is also the enormous amount of blackmail material that my father no doubt left stashed in a bunker - either the one at Stansbury; or at Edwardstown; or in any of the other bunkers that he had exclusive knowledge of as an ASIO and Telecom employee. He references this material in his will - leaving all of his 'papers of research' to his nephew.
October 6, 2024
(I told Rachel that I would hunt for the clause.)
That would be amazing if you could find that clause. Yes I feel for Nancy. She died on my birthday - 16th September 2019. Apparently ex major crime detective Brian Swan was a 'friend' to both Beaumont parents Jim and Nancy. Swan knew the truth in 2006 but kept it hidden from Nancy. That creature jealously sat on the Beaumont case for most of his career. So many of the major crime dept detectives need to be arrested and charged for their crimes… I believe that the major crime dept is currently imploding. If they are reading this comment - you have dark days ahead boys. Very dark days.
Forgiveness and Healing
Above all else, may there be closure for everybody who is affected by this horrendous crime, including the Beaumont family in spirit. And forgiveness. I have started reading The Book of Forgiving - The fourfold path for healing ourselves and our world by Desmond and Mpho Tutu (father and daughter). Highly recommended.
And may we all be spared from headlines on January 26, 2026 saying, ‘60th anniversary of Beaumont children disappearance.’
Until next time. Check out his review about The Satin Man. Ouch.
Why are more people not writing, shouting, getting energetic about SRA? This is the topic that not many have the strength to listen to- when I bring it up, I notice the room "clears". Until the human race start to really open up all of their senses, and wake up to the power of their own consciousness, the next generation of children will continue to be sold down the river- so to speak. I believe that Rachel and her siblings recollection of events of the Beaumont children is true. The satanic puppets in power will do everything they can to stop that sink hole being dug up, as there is a multitude of evil they have covered up within it. I wrote my own substack about a survivor of SRA, it really hit home for me what this young woman said. I will share it:
Thank you for your post.
In the Freemason club. Is Hayes a Freemason? Is Pangella a Freemason? They always have the concept and action of a 'Scapegoat'. Frederick Henry 'Harry' Phipps is obviously their choice, in this matter as 'their' scapegoat. There were large paedophile rings in South Australia, operating in the 1960's. I am victim and witness to these vile activities. All my reports to SAPOL have not been acted on, my career destroyed, death threats etc. My maternal side goes back to 1849 in South Australia including Master Masons who actually built a lot of buildings but also became leaders in Freemasonry. My real father, only revealed to me in 2021, by my mother on her deathbed, was Milton Bruce Harris. My mother also said to me in her revelations "she thought they were going to kill me". I believe she was present at some of my abuse, as young as 3 or younger in 1962/3. My adopted father Neville Mackenzie Stevens was sadistic and he took me to wealthy people and big houses to be abused. I have reason to believe he was paid. He also did this to my half brother Kenneth James Lay RIP, in the 1950's, he met my mother in Adelaide in 1955.