Why are more people not writing, shouting, getting energetic about SRA? This is the topic that not many have the strength to listen to- when I bring it up, I notice the room "clears". Until the human race start to really open up all of their senses, and wake up to the power of their own consciousness, the next generation of children will continue to be sold down the river- so to speak. I believe that Rachel and her siblings recollection of events of the Beaumont children is true. The satanic puppets in power will do everything they can to stop that sink hole being dug up, as there is a multitude of evil they have covered up within it. I wrote my own substack about a survivor of SRA, it really hit home for me what this young woman said. I will share it:


Thank you for your post.

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The depths of this vampiric, masonic, death cult depravity are difficult to process at first and some survivors have said that most people will not be able to accept that such extreme evil actually exists - from lofty mansions and child hunting parties to ritual abuse and murder of children in suburban houses and occult 'festivals'.

I believe the day will come when survivors are heard in a cult survivor truth and justice commission (or similar - run by appropriately qualified non-cult people) and won't have to bare their tortured souls online anymore and risk being discredited and slandered by the cult's foot soldiers whose job is to keep a lid on it all. Unfortunately for the death cult, the rotten lid is well and truly off and there is now more community awareness and support than they realise.

I began looking into this parallel death cult world in 2020 when I assisted a new author with research and development of her manuscript. That led to even deeper research which uncovered extreme filth and horror at the highest levels. I have so many more notes to share in support of cult survivors and will be publishing more in coming days and weeks to help raise awareness.

Thank you for writing your own Substack. It's a powerful read. I have watched about half of the 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse testimonies. Unbreakable momentum is quietly gathering. Of that I am certain.

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All of what you laid out is so true and well researched. Yes, we are dealing with a death cult. When you know this and it really sinks in your life changes. You raise your awareness and consciousness. As someone who was born in Adelaide, I am disheartened that it is a cesspool of evil and depravity. It isn't the only place suffering though, it is worldwide 😔. I will still continue to attempt to plant seeds of truth, as now isn't the time to be putting our feet on the brakes- as some have thinking their "saviour" has arrived. Continue your great work. Thank you 🙏.

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I was born in Adelaide as well and grew up in St Peters. The dark occult never interested me but when I started learning about the beliefs of luciferians and satanists whose parallel death cult world literally dominates the world, everything began to make sense. It also helped me connected to my fearless self which was an unexpected bonus and understand that there really is nothing to fear but fear itself. The death cult relies heavily on secrecy, lies, ignorance and manufactured fear which is proving to be their downfall.

The world is changing dramatically on the esoteric levels that most people think is gobbeldygook - but that mass ignorance, by design, is also how the death cult has been able to get away with their horror show for so long. Either way, we are witnessing their end times now. And they don’t like it. Keep sharing survivor testimonials. Every share helps.

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In the Freemason club. Is Hayes a Freemason? Is Pangella a Freemason? They always have the concept and action of a 'Scapegoat'. Frederick Henry 'Harry' Phipps is obviously their choice, in this matter as 'their' scapegoat. There were large paedophile rings in South Australia, operating in the 1960's. I am victim and witness to these vile activities. All my reports to SAPOL have not been acted on, my career destroyed, death threats etc. My maternal side goes back to 1849 in South Australia including Master Masons who actually built a lot of buildings but also became leaders in Freemasonry. My real father, only revealed to me in 2021, by my mother on her deathbed, was Milton Bruce Harris. My mother also said to me in her revelations "she thought they were going to kill me". I believe she was present at some of my abuse, as young as 3 or younger in 1962/3. My adopted father Neville Mackenzie Stevens was sadistic and he took me to wealthy people and big houses to be abused. I have reason to believe he was paid. He also did this to my half brother Kenneth James Lay RIP, in the 1950's, he met my mother in Adelaide in 1955.

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Such good timing having this post come up now. I just finished reading Great Australian Mysteries by John Pinkney's chapter on the Beaumont Children "mystery"

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When I read Rachel’s post about the third dig and Channel 7’s true crime series happening back to back, then learning that SA Police are of the view that there is no evidence to support the dig, it felt like an opportune time to share some relevant notes in support of Rachel and Andrew. This ‘mystery’ has been dragging on for way too long. A thorough inquest is necessary with appropriately qualified, non-cult people running it. If such a thing is possible in Adelaide or Australia.

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