Female Public Figures Pose As Damn Convincing Males - Go Girls!
Time to unmask the global luciferian deception before every child's life is destroyed by the Baphomet transgender, sexualisation and pedophilia agenda
(Image: Awakened 144)
The idealised woman’s figure we are fed by the mainstream media, is actually a masculine body with breasts. A lot of these models were male and had the Baphomet treatment – transgender treatment. This has been one of the biggest lies.
Max Lowen, Elite Spiritual Leader
Why cult driven transgenderism and sexualisation of our children must be extinguished
When I initially saw a selection of photographs showcasing transgender public figures, I wasn’t overly surprised because I have been learning about luciferian and satanic ‘blood cult’ beliefs and practices since 2020.
Intergenerational blood cult families are not just servants of low dimensional entities such as Satan and Lucifer. They also eagerly appease a variety of low level entities such as Baphomet, a winged, half goat, half human, hermaphroditic; and Moloch, the Canaanite deity of child sacrifice, linked to the ‘all seeing eye’.
Switching genders at birth is therefore commonplace in their parallel cult world where children are subjected to ritual sexual abuse and ‘groomed’ for public life from an early age. This is also why we have so many public figures in our midst who believe pedophilia an indoctrination programs designed to sexualise and transgenderise innocent children, are normal. But that’s all they knew as children, sadly. And it is not normal. Ritualised sexual abuse is deeply traumatising for a child.
Just ask journalist and former Aldenham student Chris Stevens/Phoenix Kaspian: “We cannot co-exist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children. Humanity has reached the end of its tolerance for the 'royal' pedophiles and their pandemic of child-abuse and torture.”
Equally concerning, are emerging reports of teachers being arrested for refusing to push this twisted transgender nonsense onto their students. The world surely can’t get much crazier than that.
In my view, cult bloodline people need to understand that the majority of children on our planet, have not been born into cult bloodlines or sold/kidnapped into their cult networks. Cult controllers who believe they were born to rule the world and have the right to determine who lives and who dies, have no right to force their hideous, minority cult practices upon the whole world. Via mass media mind control programs, education system indoctrination programs and a covert army of willing ‘believers’ who have infiltrated every ‘choke point’ in every sector of society, top to bottom.
They all need love and healing. And let children be children. Not sex magick, trafficking, target practice or sacrificial ‘objects’.
The Luciferian Doctrine
“God Lucifer rules worldly affairs and many heads of politics, military, finance and industry. But it does come with a hefty price. Anyone that aligns themselves with Lucifer to obtain riches power and fame, enters a Faustian bargain. Chances are, they will become his servant after their physical death. Such energies are never given for free.”
Hans Wilhelm, Luciferian Doctrine
The Luciferian Doctrine also states that we are God, which is a popular belief among some new age teachings. The danger is that when we think we are God, we are convinced that we can get away with anything. We feel that we are only accountable for our actions to ourselves. i.e. we would harm or kill someone and justify it as something that simply had to be done without any guilt or remorse and totally ignoring that such an action has created enormous karma for their soul.
Ordo ab Chao - Order Out of Chaos
We see evidence of Luciferianism everywhere - wars, terrorism, poverty, exploitation, suffering, greed etc. It is based on the Freemason principle Ordo ab Chao - Order Out of Chaos - which justifies any actions to bring the New World Order into existence.
The agenda-setters heavily use and abuse mass media and cult of celebrity in their futile attempt to normalise transgenderism world. I have empathy for anyone caught up in this insidious, secretive, Looneymati web who wish they were free of it.
“The transgender agenda doesn’t want humans to have a soul. But without a soul, a body is dead. The soul animates our body. The satanic agenda is to keep us at a low level within ourselves. They have even distorted healthy sexuality within adults.” Max Lowen, Elite Spiritual Leader
Given the increasingly absurd and genocidal state of affairs in our world today, I personally feel the unelected rulers should all sack themselves and make room for the cult free, spiritually intelligent world leaders to take their place in the emerging, pro-humanity rulership realm.
Baphomet treatment
The various transgender photographs also reminded me of a discussion about shame between elite cult survivors turned elite spiritual leaders, Rachel Vaughan and Max Lowen. Here are a few key points:
The idealised woman’s figure we are fed by the mainstream media is actually a masculine body with breasts. A lot of these models were male and had the Baphomet treatment – transgender treatment. This has been one of the biggest lies.
The transgender agenda doesn’t want humans to have a soul. But without a soul, a body is dead. The soul animates our body. The satanic agenda is to keep us at a low level within ourselves. They have even distorted healthy sexuality within adults.
Shame makes the world go round. It controls governments and very powerful people. They are often born into families like ours and shamed and compromised in certain ways to be controllable. It’s one of the most powerful emotional forces in human life. If you allow yourself to be controlled by that, you are under the control of other dark forces and energies that you don’t want to be a part of.
The cabal takes anything and everything and turns it around to further the pedophile luciferian/satanic agenda.
Most sociopaths and psychopaths are driven by the two lowest chakras i.e. base and sacral. They only have base experiences and never get to the point of having any experiences of enlightenment.
Check out the article: Ending the Abuse of Children and Families Forever
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Lies and deception always remind me of Luciferians
(Image: Brooke Federline, ex Illuminati Princess and WEF child victim - same as Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau and many other ‘tyrannical’ public figures)
Facts about Luciferians
Via Luciferian Mormon cult survivor ‘D’ on The Imagination Podcast with Emma Katherine:
Luciferians are not allowed to admit they are luciferian because they have to keep the secrets, but they also are sworn to honor their God and they can't deny that he is their God.
Luciferians never apologise. Apologising is admitting guilt or that you did something wrong and if you're a luciferian God, then you can't do anything wrong. Gods can't do anything wrong… and that in itself proves their fault because harming others is wrong.
They believe that Lucifer made himself the God of this world, so you can become a god of your own world in your own life by taking over everything around you and that's what they do. It's very, very self- serving and egotistical. It is, I am the god, therefore everything else is mine. I can make you my possession you are my possession and you must do what I say.
There is no compassion in the luciferian religion. They believe that they are God and are establishing their own godhood. They truly don't believe that they do anything wrong. They believe that everything that they do serves the purpose of their godhood, therefore they have a right to do it.
Part of getting into one of these systems, or secret societies, is proving that you can be Lucifer enough to beguile Eve, which is why hypnotising women is such a big deal… So the whole MK Ultra hypnosis ties in really, really well with Mormon luciferianism because it comes down to, hypnotise them and make them do what you want.
Check out the article: Extreme religious hypocrisy, deception and abuse of millions of people must stop
Luciferian Mormon promise: You will not speak evil of the Lord's anointed even if they're pedophiles who participate in sexual rituals and satanic rituals.
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(Above images: Awakened 144)
One more clanger for the day
Names are changed in luciferianism to hide the true identities of the individuals. Otherwise, virtually every name in US Congress would be one of the 13 luciferian families +1 hidden royal bloodline (Merovingian) and it would be obvious that a coup has been pilfering the USA since its inception.
Charles Swindoll, Author and Broadcaster
If you are interested learning more about the luciferian cult that is deceiving and ruining our world on all levels, you will learn everything you nee to know in this video essay called Lucifer and the Luciferians, Masters of Deceit by author and broadcaster Charles Swindoll. Here are some key points:
~ It’s time we dissect this human consuming belief system before the luciferians take over the planet, and with them, human potential.
~ We carry precious, natural, beautiful, perfectly balanced Life Force which they do not and cannot contain. In this way, you are assured you are not a demagogic being as the luciferians insist. Don’t buy their lies about you. Nature’s bounty is your Yin Yang inheritance, not your curse. Do not be deceived, fellow human. You are not and never were, a wretch.
~ A demagogue or rabble-rouser is a leader who gains popularity in a democracy by exploiting emotions, prejudice, and ignorance to arouse some against others, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation. Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so.
~ We were born imbued with all the natural force we need to heal from this parasitic infection. It’s called conscious awareness. Awareness is realised through the self-responsible act of knowing who you are, which is exactly what the luciferians don’t want you to realise. Because if you did, you couldn’t be controlled. You couldn’t be manipulated. You couldn’t be brought into fear.
~ Fourth dimensional beings feed on the electromagnetic energy humans emit. The same electromagnetic energy an acupuncturist accesses with stainless steel pins to invigorate natural force to heal the human body, is the same energy these insidious, luciferian creatures crave. We are morphic resonance imbued with consciousness and since luciferian/satanic beings are parasites, they seek to consume us.
~ These fourth dimensional beings are merely a predatory species roaming the universe looking for an opportunity. They found one on this planet.
~ There is much disagreement, infighting and personal agenda between the 13 + 1 Luciferian families but they all follow a singular agenda and that is to control and rule the planet.
~ Luciferians trace their bloodlines all the way past the Amalekites who practiced in these same, cannibalistic, human sacrificing rituals. Blood lines are desperately important to these people because the blood carries Lucifer’s energy. They also believe they are the descendants of Cain, who murdered Abel.
~ Luciferians believe the line of Cain carries the original genetics of the Leviathan. They believe physical sex is essential, as physical action carries with it life energies and motivations captured within the DNA just like consciousness. Cain had no conscience within his motivation to action.
~ Ritual abuse, biologically is a systematic destruction of neurons in the brain which postulate human characteristics. Through abuse techniques luciferians systematically burn out neuronal pathways in the brain responsible for humane characteristics: compassion, love, authenticity.
~ This is why a Luciferian can rape and torture a child - it is because the humane aspects of their brain have been obliterated through systematic abuse. They have no capacity for compassion. They basically are a form of serial killer.
~ Luciferians do not foster the compassionate aspect, as Love is absent from the Leviathans DNA. Satan is not human, so its seed did not offer natural DNA to match Eve. This is why they foster a blood thirsty, deceiving, sadistic, characteristic of themselves. Humanness, the compassionate aspect, is abused out of them and replaced with deception.
~ The more greed the better. The more lies the better. The more pain the better. They believe lucifer’s blood flows through them, so demonic qualities are to be nurtured. The more sacrifices, the more power inherited.
~ There is much concern these days about luciferianism and child sacrifice due to the emerging discoveries of this heinous activity rife within the ranks of global banking, political leadership and the Vatican. All the realms on earth take part.
~ Fear compromises human will. They know this about us. Consider what could be more satisfying to Lucifer than to deceive humankind by their own self driven fears invented by luciferians.
~ Luciferians communicate directly with lucifer through the ritual practice of child sacrifice. This practice, to evoke and convene with Leviathan, originated in the cuIt of the Baal, which is the oldest cuIt ever established on this planet, and the ancient precursor to luciferianism. I personally consider luciferianism to simply be a formalised and highly organised cuIt of Baal.
“As the movie Dune proclaimed, “Fear is a mind killer”, and indeed it is. Sin is a mind control technique. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all master control mechanisms.
~ Western religion controls masses of people by limiting their potential through fear because every western religionist knows they are a sinner and cannot be trusted. That’s called inculcated fear.
~ Sin is a hustle which frustrates human development in the universe. It’s a Lucifierian fear technique to developmentally compromise prey - which is us. Believe you are a sinner, and you will act out, live, and die as one.
~ The concern with the religion came when I realised Christianity only allows a very specific reality, a very specific spirituality, and an unnatural, conflict oriented, dualistic approach to life.
~ The awakened cannot be unawakened and they know this about us. Awakening is our greatest asset. That’s why it is their greatest fear. We are like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz… we have everything we need already to change the situation.
~ The luciferians have a blueprint to carve the human psyche into certain behavioural inconsistencies from specific, pre-planned abuses. A veteran luciferian family can and will perform abuses upon a child which they know cause behavioural dysfunctions the cult can exploit. This is why they have introjected kinds of spiritual beliefs systems into the world because they know how people will respond to self-inflicted mental trauma.
~ Guilt and spiritual suffering cause a culture to be developmentally compromised and therefore easier to understand, know, control and manipulate.
~ Luciferianism is both a religion and a bloodline. Satanism is a lower echelon of luciferianism for those outside the bloodline and wealth prerequisites to qualify as a true Lucifierian. Money can buy you into the luciferian cuIt but only bloodline accesses leadership.
~ The highest ranking members in the luciferian cult are not voted in, they are bestowed the rank through female genetic lineage carefully steered by the cult through select breeding within the blue blood family lines.
Recommended Viewing: Lucifer and the Luciferians, Masters of Deceit
Recommended Reading
If you feel drawn to learning more about what cult survivors have somehow survived in their parallel world, FoxBlog 3 is a highly reliable source. Also a valuable resource for health and healing professionals who are not taught anything about the reality of high level dark occult influences, or unreported cult crimes at university.
Leo Lyon Zagami
Prolific ‘Confessions of an Illuminati’ series author and journalist
4 Sep 2024: Conformism, Magnetic Fields, Michael Aquino, and the Future of Mind Control
Since COVID-19, the world has been subjected to propaganda and pressure to conform. Aside from the COVID phenomenon, in recent years we have seen a tendency for stupid policies to be established without debate or criticism, which is becoming toxic global conformism.
Sure, there is nothing wrong with conformity per se, if it represents adhering to the reasonable expectations of a sane society.…However, the kind of conformity we currently observe on an international scale is not organic or reasonable. It is imposed on all of us by those with power and influence, despite the doubts and objections of many. It is not the product of wholesome social development and rational, willing acceptance, but occult persuasion, constant propaganda, and social engineering. Powerful international organizations like the UN and the WEF put forward agendas which are often foolish and unreasonable which force us to conform to their demented expectations that can cause great harm.
They view us not as God’s creatures, with free minds and spirits, but simply as machines they can enslave and program to obey. That’s why the late Michael Aquino wrote: “Humans, of course, don’t normally think of themselves as machines, but as conscious, unique beings.” Of course, the internet has helped the current brainwashing establishment to push subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think, and do without all the invasive practices experimented on during MK-ULTRA.
Did you know that this summer a group of South Korean scientists came up with the ultimate mind control, using magnetic fields that can safely penetrate biological tissue and provide and deliver a non-invasive form of mind control? In my new groundbreaking book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11, I explain how researchers at the Institute of Basic Science (IBS) in South Korea have announced the development of Nano MIND, the world’s first device to modulate deep brain neural circuits using magnetism. The Korean researchers have demonstrated their technology on mice, selectively activating certain brain receptors that are responsible for the inhibitory control of appetite, increasing the feeding behavior and appetite by 100 percent in the mice tested.
The late Michael Aquino, was a Satanist and military intelligence officer who was recognized as a pioneer of Psychological Warfare, and an early proponent of the use of magnetic fields in mind control in MindWar, where he coined the term “Homo Electromagneticus,” explaining that “Along with all other matter/energy displacements in the material universe, the human body is a complex electromagnetic (EM) machine, including its thought processes.”
Governments, and disciples of the late Aquino, can now use such technology for the first time to turn citizens into mindless drones, stripped of their autonomy and free will as I explain in Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 11, so, it’s imperative that you learn about this before it’s too late. Our brains are susceptible to manipulation and it’s not a “conspiracy theory” but a reality manifesting in front of our eyes every day.
Check it out: Conformism, Magnetic Fields, Michael Aquino, and the Future of Mind Control
Love to all. Until next time.